“The left-wing ideology on Mayotte is a mistake”

“The left-wing ideology on Mayotte is a mistake”
“The left-wing ideology on Mayotte is a mistake”

Mayotte has been a French island since 1841, even before and Savoie. What is the situation on the ground, three weeks after the passage of Cyclone Chido?

Mayotte: government efforts insufficient

According to the Minister of the Interior, 70% of the population would have electricity again. “I invite Mr. Retailleau to come back to Mayotte, this would prevent him from saying false things, reacts Estelle Youssouffa, LIOT deputy from Mayotte. Bringing electricity back into homes is different from high and medium voltage. It's very uneven. Less affected areas did not present difficulties in terms of electrification. But some others are in the dark, I am thinking of the north of the island, in great difficulty for water and electricity.

The government is making efforts, but they are insufficient. Things have to be said. Food and water distributions are not sufficient. They must concern the entire population. For the moment, they are only focused on one part, that of the slums. However, the entire population does not have access to drinking running water every day. She has difficulty eating, the shelves are largely empty. Small crisis profiteers are causing prices to explode in Mayotte.”

“We remain French by choice”

Is Marine Le Pen's trip to Mayotte useful in itself? “I think it is essential to come on site to understand the situation, reacts Estelle Youssouffa, LIOT deputy from Mayotte. Above all, this reflects the fact that Mayotte is at the heart of political news. This arouses immense emotion in the country. The Fondation de recorded 23 million euros in donations, a historic generosity. For us, the subject is a reconstruction that meets our needs and our ambitions.”

How can we not let slums be rebuilt? Left-wing elected officials say nothing, while Daniel Cohn-Bendit used the expression 'great replacement'. “I would like to welcome his comments because it is an important questioning. Let my colleagues on the left understand that they made a mistake. The ideology on the left is to say that French Mayotte is a mistake, that Mayotte is Comorian. This underlies much of the left’s discourse. He does not want to understand that immigration to Mayotte is an exploitation of migratory flows by the Comoros. This is completely based on the right of people to self-determination. We remain French by choice. This amounts to supporting foreign interference.”

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