A “region by region” mapping was carried out, “all qualification levels combined”, the Minister responsible for Labor and Employment, Astrid Panosyan-Bouvet, said on Sunday.
Published on 05/01/2025 15:41
Updated on 05/01/2025 16:30
Reading time: 2min
Provided for by the immigration law promulgated at the beginning of 2024, the update of the list of professions in shortage in which undocumented workers can be regularized should be published “end of February”. This deadline was brought forward by the Minister Delegate in charge of Labor and Employment. “With Bruno Retailleau [le ministre de l’Intérieur]we are working on the question of regularization of undocumented immigrants, since we must sign a circular together”explained Astrid Panosyan-Bouvet, on franceinfo and France Inter, Sunday January 5.
This text, expected soon, must tighten the admission criteria which enabled 34,724 people to obtain papers in 2023, according to data from the Ministry of the Interior. It must replace the Valls circular which, since 2012, allows a foreigner in an irregular situation to request a “exceptional admission to the stay” (AES) for family, economic or student reasons. It is then up to the prefect to accept it or not.
“The problem with the Valls circular is that it required the person in an irregular situation who was working to ask their boss for authorization, explained the minister. What would be a real novelty today would be, thanks to the law, to be able to spontaneously request regularization without being in the hands of the boss”she argued.
The Ministries of Labor and the Interior have mapped “region by region” professions in tension, “all qualification levels combined”detailed Astrid Panosyan-Bouvet, specifying that“engineers and master’s students” represent “a third of economic immigration”.