SENEGAL-SOCIETE-APPUI / PUMA: 22 millet mills given to women in the Dagana department – Senegalese press agency

Dagana, Jan 4 (APS) – As part of the Emergency Program for the Modernization of Border Axes and Territories (PUMA), a batch of 22 millet mills were delivered, on Saturday, to the Women’s Groups of the Communes of the Department (GIE) of Dagana (north) in order to lighten the workload of their members and allow them to engage in income-generating activities.

“We are here today on behalf of the national coordinator of PUMA, Ndèye Marième Samb, and the Minister of Family and Solidarity, Dr Maimouna Dièye, to hand over millet mills to the women of the Dagana department,” said declared Pape Niass, representative of the PUMA national coordinator at the ceremony.

The event was held in the presence of MP Mariama Diamanka, member of the Sustainable Development Committee at the National Assembly and the head of the departmental community development service, Garmé Mané.

With this equipment, said Mr. Niass, women will see their work reduced, and they will also be able to “initiate other income-generating activities” almost everywhere in the communes of the Dagana department.

“It is an opportunity for rural women to fully engage in development through activities that will be supported by decentralized State services, including community development,” he added.

The head of the departmental community development service, Garmé Mané, welcomed this initiative from the Ministry of Women and Solidarity, which aims to support women in the department.

»This initiative aims to support women in their daily activities for the economic and social development of their communities. She will participate in their financial empowerment,” she argued.

Ms. Mané also invited women to make good use of the equipment granted to them, before urging them to participate more in economic and social development, through the establishment of other initiatives which will allow them to be more autonomous.

Parliamentarian Mariama Diamanka, for her part, was delighted with this donation, promising to plead in favor of women during the next plenary sessions in the hemicycle.




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