Giant zip line, new ski lifts… What will change in the ski resorts of Auron and Isola

Giant zip line, new ski lifts… What will change in the ski resorts of Auron and Isola
Giant zip line, new ski lifts… What will change in the ski resorts of Auron and Isola

They did not deviate from the traditional wish ceremony and got started early. Colette Fabron, mayor of Saint-Etienne-de-Tinée – Auron and Mylène Agnelli, mayor of Isola, have already drawn up reports and projects, respectively on 1is and January 2.

The opportunity to discuss the big issues to come and there are many of them. As for financing, they are supported – depending on the projects – by the joint union with, where applicable, aid from other local authorities.

In Auron

This is the big project at 25.7 million euros: the creation of a double section Riou Sauma Longue gondola in Auron.

“This four-season machine will be able to transport 2,600 people per hour (compared to 700 people currently with the Riou ski lift), in the Chastellares sectors, via the intermediate station, and Sauma Longue”details Christian Estrosi, president of the Côte d'Azur Metropolis and the mixed union of Mercantour resorts. We are going to enter the consultation and public inquiry phase. Delivery is scheduled for the end of the 2027 winter break.”

The Las Donnas and Télériou cable cars will, for their part, be modernized (2.6 million euros) by replacing the cabins and renovating the stations. The operations will take place after the winter sports season so that everything is ready for the next one.

“Auron plans to have a giant zip lineindicates Colette Fabron. This attraction promises thrills and breathtaking views of the mountainous landscape.”

Christian Estrosi confirmed the future “requalification of Place d’Auron for 3.2 million euros. The consultation will be launched for an inauguration in June 2027.”

And finally, Auron will acquire three additional low-pressure snow guns. “Moreover, if 580,000m of snow were produced at the Auron resort, there were only 200,000m on Isola. This had no impact on the filling rate but I will definitely even request an audit to find out where the malfunction is coming from.”

The future exterior cabin of the Las Donnas cable car, in Isola 2000. DR.

To Isola

Large-scale project for the Isola station: “The development of a great ski offer in Sistron. A study is being finalized to replace the two-seater chairlift with a gondola which will leave from Saint-Sauveur. By promoting access to the summit, we would serve this area currently underserved. exploited”, indicates the president of the joint union. This project represents an investment of 15.5 million euros and could be delivered by the start of the 2027-2028 ski season.”

Furthermore, the Pelevos cable car will be replaced by a new, detachable one, for a cost of 18.5 million euros. It should be effective at the end of 2026.

With a view to diversifying activities, a multi-rail sled will be created near the snow front (4.6 million euros) with a ski lift. Two footbridges will be set up to cross the slopes in complete safety.

“The route chosen is the one which passes through the Chastillon sector in order to avoid sectors in which protected species and wetlands have been identifiedassures Christian Estrosi. Delivery is expected in two years.”

Finally, the Aquavallée complex will be restructured in order to save energy. The slide will be replaced, the wellness area renovated and a climbing initiation room created.

The work will start next September, for 7 to 9 months and a budget of 2.8 million euros.



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