Under the direction of Pascal Krajewski and Aurélie Pignon
Like the work of Art, the book is a protean object. Behind its a priori standardized form of the codex (from which it sometimes frees itself), it also contains a multiplicity of contents. Like the work of art, it is both a material artifact and an ideal content. Like her, he is the source of an aesthetic experience. However, their modes of existence diverge and sometimes oppose each other. Their function differs: where the materiality of the work prevails for its appreciation, that of the book tends to fade away to become only a support. It is first of all an object of use, a vector intended to register, transmit, keep a trace, and document; when it wants to be an object of appreciation, shining through its uniqueness and authenticity. Read more…
Issue proofread and posted online by Olivia Dejean
Aurélie Pignon The book as an art device [Texte intégral]
Pascal Krajewski Art versus the book [Texte intégral]
Martine Créac’h Silent Books [Texte intégral]. Around Hercules Seghers: Pierre Lecuire, Nicolas de Staël and André du Bouchet, Silent books. About Hercules Seghers : Pierre Lecuire, Nicolas de Staël and André du Bouchet. Silebt Books
Serge Chamchinov and Anna Samson About the “Artist’s Book Manifesto” [Texte intégral]. Contribution to the analysis of its elements and its genesis
Survey [Texte intégral] Statements on artists' books by fifty artists and art professionals related to this medium
Chiara RubessiBruno Munari, the polysensoriality of books for young people [Texte intégral]
Aurélie Pignon Between the art book and the artist's book: some hybrid catalogs [Texte intégral]
Ligia Souza The page scene [Texte intégral]. Some theatrical editions as portable theater
Corentin Lahouste, David Martens and René Audet Bookish devices and fictional diffractions in the multimodal project Character by Paul Heintz [Texte intégral] Bookish devices and fictional diffractions in Paul Heintz’s multimodal work Character