Rampant corruption, flagrant violation of freedoms and “flourishing” drug trafficking. This is the situation in Morocco in 2024 under the Makhzen regime, whose only concern is to implement its subversive agendas and enshrine its colonial ideology, a situation having provoked the anger of the Moroccan people, who took to the streets to protest against these policies are dragging the country towards the abyss.
In reality, the year 2024 was only one episode in a long series of suffering for the Moroccan people, victims of a regime which takes advantage of its torments and abuses all the resources of the State just to prolong his power, increase his fortune, impoverish his people and repress his opponents with sword and fire, playing all his worst cards to “legitimize” his occupation of Western Sahara, even selling his soul to the devil. “Politics and business: mix of genres of Makhzen”, a banner under which Morocco carries out its political strategy to monopolize with its allies the largest public markets and sell public structures to businessmen, ignoring the implementations incessant guard against the danger of corruption which corrupts the workings of the State and public institutions, as evidenced by the majority of official reports on the Moroccan Kingdom which is also sinking in the ranking of Transparency’s corruption perception index International because of impunity.
Morocco has also experienced a sharp increase in the unemployment rate in recent months, which reached 21.3%, not to mention the bankruptcy of hundreds of businesses or the impact of drought aggravated by the Makhzen which persists in crops. special conditions depleting water resources to the detriment of the water security of its people. What is more, the Moroccan regime has established itself, in 2024 with its Zionist ally, as the leader of drug trafficking, in order to execute its malicious plans for the destabilization of the African continent and the plunder of its wealth in addition to financing of its colonial project by bribing decision-makers to serve its own interests contrary to international legality.
In a statement to APS, Moroccan journalist Ali Lahrouchi believes that the year 2024 has proven, irrefutably, that the Makhzen has become a shame for the Moroccan people, a regime, he says, having transformed the kingdom into a protectorate Zionist and sold the Palestinian cause, vigorously denouncing Morocco’s official support for Zionist terrorism. He also mentioned the scandals linked to drug trafficking in Morocco, recalling the arrest, under international pressure, of small drug traffickers involved in the so-called “Escobar of the Sahara” affair, an approach aimed at covering up the big barons of the Makhzenian inner circle. .
Referring to a study prepared by the Global Initiative against Cross-Border Organized Crime, Lahrouchi affirms that the Moroccan regime derives colossal profits from this illicit trade, specifying that the annual production of cannabis in Morocco exceeds 700 tonnes, the equivalent of 23 billion dollars, without neglecting the unknown financial value of the various other drugs transited through Morocco, coming from South America and Asia, thanks to facilities, aid and protections enjoyed by smugglers from the Moroccan authorities, who supervise the transport, concealment and protection of these drug traffickers to export their goods to the rest of the world.
Between a rock and a hard place
On a social level, the video recording the transport of a pregnant woman to the hospital on a coffin, a few days before the end of the year, testifies to the tragedy experienced by the Moroccan people, overwhelmed by a dizzying surge in prices , a deterioration of purchasing power and, worse still, a deprivation of the simplest conditions of a dignified life.
The Moroccan regime goes so far as to exploit the tragedies of victims of natural disasters, like earthquakes and floods, to obtain loans which have plunged the country into the abyss of debt, thus jeopardizing its political-economic decision.
The Makhzen is not content to shirk its responsibilities linked to the demands of its people, but goes so far as to make its young people, who are fleeing the Kingdom in their thousands to escape its oppression, human shields or a blackmail card for play to obtain more funds from the European Union, through the role of policeman for border protection. Regarding human rights, the Makhzen continues its flagrant violation of freedoms through the repression of freedom of opinion and expression, but also by targeting journalists, human rights defenders and opponents of normalization through security and legal pursuits, arrests and arbitrary trials.
Faced with this reality which continues to worsen, particularly with the promulgation of bills muzzling rights and freedoms, the Moroccan people find themselves between a rock and a hard place, forced to flee en masse on the boats of death or to take to the streets to denounce these policies that mistreat the unknown, despite the security approach aimed at stifling these protest movements which are multiplying in all sectors, not even sparing teachers and doctors.