Rachid Maboudi
1:26 p.m. – December 29, 2024
The technical incident that occurred near Melillia reminds us “the emergency” to renew the royal navy fleet, indicated the FAR-Morocco military forum. A P32 type patrol, assigned to the routine mission in the zone of influence of the second naval base, had to be urgently taken to the port of Melilla after a water infiltration. The incident, although quickly brought under control thanks to logistical support from Spain, “highlights the shortcomings of an aging fleet, whose average age exceeds 30 years. Some ships, such as the P32s, have reached ages approaching 45 years.according to the same source.
For several years, experts and military officials have drawn attention to the need to modernize and renovate the Coast Guard fleet. “The obsolescence of equipment is today a factor of vulnerability, both technically and strategically. It has become imperative to develop a national maritime industry capable of meeting the requirements of maintenance and repair of units autonomously.according to the very knowledgeable forum.
This observation adds to another major problem: the Royal Navy’s logistics support fleet has ceased to exist since the last landing ship was decommissioned at the end of 2022. This deficiency in the Moroccan naval apparatus further weakens its capacity for rapid deployment and support for complex maritime missions.
The incident, although not having had any notable consequences thanks to the responsiveness of the teams, “constitutes a wake-up call on the need to put in place an exceptional plan for the modernization of the fleet. This is a strategic imperative to maintain the maritime sovereignty of Morocco, a country whose maritime zone greatly exceeds the surface area of its continental territory. Furthermore, this modernization is crucial to strengthen Morocco’s place as a regional and continental power.a-t-on noté.
Faced with these challenges, the question of fleet renewal and logistical support is becoming an absolute priority for the Moroccan authorities. It is now essential to evolve the doctrine of the royal navy so that it becomes a central pillar of the royal armed forces, and no longer a secondary component. This project must be supported by a clear vision and concrete actions, commensurate with the maritime and geopolitical challenges facing Morocco.