A rich, varied and quality exercise
The pediatric department of the CHI of Mont de Marsan takes care of pediatric emergencies, neonatology and general pediatricians.
The type 2B neonatal department welcomes children intubated/ventilated for short periods (48/72 hours) and also many children with non-invasive ventilation.
“So there is a technical care part that is quite interesting for a practitioner who wants to continue doing neonatal care. It’s stimulating because you have to stay operational with technical resuscitation procedures. This might seem a bit stressful as we are geographically isolated from the 3 type 3 establishments, but we work closely with them. »
“Our 12-bed pediatric department accommodates all general pediatrics and also receives child psychiatry. We welcome all children from 0 to 18 years old in the department with rooms adapted to different ages, to breastfeeding mothers and we have continuous care particularly for children who must benefit from non-invasive ventilation (e.g. bronchiolitis during winter.)
It is a fairly versatile service with two nurses or childcare workers and two childcare assistants; which ensures quality care.
Adjoining this service, there is a day hospitalization service. It is an outpatient medical and also surgical service allowing the management, for example, of growth tests, immunotherapy treatments or even chemotherapy. We work with the Bordeaux University Hospital and the NOVALIANCE network which is the network in New Aquitaine for hemato-cancer-pediatrics. There are two representatives for this area but all colleagues can be called upon to take charge and we can easily contact the network in the event of a problem. »
« We also have a large outpatient consultation activity for children with chronic illnesses and monitoring of premature babies with a good representation of all subspecialties: pediatric neurology, pulmonology, mental problems, nutrition, growth, rheumatology, diabetology and cardiology. We are very complementary in terms of service, which is very enriching for us and for our practice. It is also very reassuring to know that we can entrust our patients and ask for an opinion from our colleagues who have specific expertise.. »
A constantly evolving service, oriented towards labels and innovation
Nadège Bacheré is proud to work in a department that places the well-being of patients at the heart of concerns and to obtain recognition for the efforts made: “We recently returned for the 4th once our “IHAB” Label: Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative for neonatology and maternity. It is very rewarding in the contact and care given to families and children. Obtaining the label is based on the ability of caregivers to pass it on to families. The labeling having been extended, it should be noted that parents are delighted and that negative feedback on stays in maternity or neonatal units is non-existent. There is a lot of close work between neonatal and maternity wards to work together with families and parents who have to move from one service to another. It’s a real asset! »
« On the pediatric side we have 3 continuing care beds among the 12 beds. These are things that we have been doing for a long time but we received approval last year, which is a real boost from the authorities and allowed us to have additional resources in terms of paramedical staff, equipment and the restructuring of premises. »
The efforts do not stop there. In order to further optimize the care of the youngest, renovations and improvements are frequent: “At the establishment level, we have just renovated the entire operating theater which offers us a new technical platform and a modern block. We now have an emergency cesarean section attached to the obstetric theater.
Another new feature for 2024: we have four consultation offices completely dedicated to pediatrics. We consult in new offices, with a specific waiting room and a secretary dedicated to pediatrics. It’s really very appreciable! And the ultimate luxury, we will have a pediatric nurse dedicated to consultations, which will allow us to free up medical time. »
The medical team chooses the most suitable treatment for its patients by remaining in contact with cutting-edge teams at the University Hospital: “ We participate in national RCPs in each of our areas of predisposition and continue our professional training regularly.
We also have 3 therapeutic education programs: childhood asthma, childhood nutrition and overweight and childhood diabetes. These are programs validated by the ARS with hospital and also extra-hospital activities which make it possible to improve the skills and training of paramedical staff in these different areas. This staff being shared between therapeutic education and service, this optimizes the transmission of information to colleagues and families benefit in the long term. »
A dynamic and very united medical team
The medical team is made up of 5.3 full-time equivalent PH, including 3.3 who provide permanent care, i.e. night duty, and 2 who work during the week and also on weekends.
Nadège Bacheré explains “Among the PWD, we have a doctor who has had his EVC and who is in the process of consolidation with us. She works on senior shifts in pediatrics and neonates. We also benefit from a junior doctor. He is an intern at the end of his training who also provides senior guard duty. Finally, we also welcome many interns with a replacement license who also participate in the on-call line when they are available. In the end, we have 4 to 5 shifts per month and around 1 weekend day.. »
« The permanence of care is provided for level 2B of the neonatal, the birthing room and the department but not for the arrival of children in the emergency room. Pediatricians only really seniorize those under 6 months in the emergency room and beyond that, patients are senioritised by emergency doctors. In this sense, there is a 24-hour line of emergency physicians motivated to do pediatrics. This is very attractive because there are many level 2Bs in which PWD must also be present in the emergency room and which is not our case. »
« The big strength of the service: this is our agreement between practitionerswith adaptation to the specificities and requests of each, particularly for schedules.
This year, despite very intense activity and staffing difficulties, we managed to maintain the service, continue our consultations and carry out projects. It took a lot of energy but it’s very positive for the future. It is a real strength of our team to be able to bounce back and stand up for the well-being of patients.
« For us, the ideal profile would be someone who wants autonomy and who wants to develop particular skills or sub-specialize in a specific field while continuing to do general pediatrics and neonatology at a good level. Two positions are currently vacant. »