Yesterday at 5:00 p.m. – by Aurélie Hagopian
After Ulysses who failed the dance assessment, it was Charles who failed the theater one. The two students of the Star Academy are therefore excluded from the race for immunity for the semi-final. Both will then be nominated for the next bonus which will take place this Saturday, January 4 and for which the guest list has also been revealed. With them, two other academicians will be in the hot seat. But just before discovering their identity, Ebony, Franck and Marine still have assessments to take in the days to come.
Ebony (Star Academy) worried by one of Ulysses' addictions: “His heart, it will…”
Just before taking another assessment, the students met in the living room to relax a little and chat about everything and nothing. The opportunity for Ebony, who doubts his popularity with the public, to notice that Ulysses drank too much coffee all day long. “Is Ulysse making another coffee where I'm dreaming? It's not actually possible to drink that much coffee”first blurted out the young woman before Marine added a layer by specifying: “Especially not in the cup I gave him.” For his part, Franck said with humor: “He drinks crazy coffee. He could just fill the cup crazy and drown in it for once.”
Marine (Star Academy) tries to reassure Ebony
Worried for the health of her comrade, Ebony then explained: “It's not good to drink that much though. It's good to drink a little bit, but drinking too much is not good at all, it's dangerous.” Wanting to minimize Ulysses' consumption, Marine specified: “He doesn't drink a lot. Maybe five a day. They're small cups.” But for Ebony, it's already too much. “He drinks a lot. It’s way too much. Even five is too much”she clarified before saying: “His heart, it will…” A sentence that she finished by imitating the sound of a battery exploding in all directions.
Article written with the collaboration of 6médias.
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