Solidarity | More than €5,000 collected for Pink October by farmers in Vire, in

Solidarity | More than €5,000 collected for Pink October by farmers in Vire, in
Solidarity | More than €5,000 collected for Pink October by farmers in Vire, in Calvados

The Vire branch of the Chamber of Agriculture can count on its loyal group of women farmers, led by Céline Poret. The latter is made up of around ten operators in the sector. All of them were a driving force, in the summer of 2024, to launch a project like no other: the creation of solidarity calendars in favor of research against breast cancer.

It was notably under the aegis of Céline Juhel, a dairy farmer in Rubercy, that the project came to life. The calendars could be found in all CA14 branches and at the Gaec store in Rubercy at the price of €12.

Read also: Céline Juhel, model for a day for Pink October 2024

The check given

During an open day at the Vire branch, Friday November 29, 2024, the project was concluded. The profits were entirely donated to the League against breast cancer. The donation will finance support for sick people, prevention and promotion of breast cancer screenings, as well as research.

Some of the farmers made the trip to hand the check into the hands of the organization, in the presence of Nicolas Declomesnil, elected from CA 14. The amount amounts to €5,466. In total, all of the calendars, i.e. 450 copies, were sold and donations were made.

“It's a very beautiful project. A very big thank you to the Chamber, as well as to Hélène Lerouxel, farmer in the group, who covered the costs (photographer, printing, distribution). The farmers can be very proud of what they accomplished, I am really happy to have been able to share this project with them.”, greets Céline Poret, group leader.

Also read: [EN IMAGES] Pink March 2024 of the FDSEA of Calvados: 160 people involved



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