“The wolf is not inevitable,” begins Emmanuel Rizzi, president of the rural coordination of Jura. Around fifteen farmers exhibited fifteen beef cows, two sheep and a horse in front of the departmental directorate of Jura territories (DDT) in order to draw attention to wolf attacks. “The wolf is something that is imposed on us and against which we had the means to defend ourselves. The State wanted to sign an agreement to authorize its reintroduction. Let him assume it. From now on, it is up to him to shelter us and secure our herds,” said the president of the Jura rural coordination.
“Impossible” cohabitation
A few minutes after the launch of the event, farmers were received by representatives of the DDT as well as the French Office for Biodiversity (OFB). “The Jura is the breeding ground par excellence, and the colonization of wolves will cause major conflicts and cohabitation will be impossible. Our goal is for there to be no attack. It is not the wolf that bothers us, but rather the victims it can cause,” continues Emmanuel Rizzi.
Enclosures were set up for the occasion and the different animals were placed in full view of all. “The idea is to show them when they are alive. But if nothing happens and we don't accelerate on the wolf, we will bring them back, and it might be less pretty,” breathes the manager.