Lyon, green island of resistance to the extreme right

Lyon, green island of resistance to the extreme right
Lyon, green island of resistance to the extreme right

Lyon is true to its reputation as the capital of the resistance,sums up in his own way the EELV mayor of the Rhone city Grégory Doucet, on BFM Lyon. She did more than resist because the four candidates of the New Popular Front (NFP) went through to the second round.

One of them shines in particular: the environmentalist Marie-Charlotte Garin. She has already been re-elected in the 3rd constituency of the Rhône, after having collected 51.51% of the votes in the first round. On the same side, candidate from civil society, Boris Tavernier, was almost there. The founder of the Vrac association, in favor of the democratization of quality food, is close to 50% and becomes the favorite of the 2e constituency, which includes the posh 1is et 4e districts of Lyon.

Read also. Find all the results of the first round of the 2024 legislative elections

“I am not ashamed of my political background”

In the very chic 6th arrondissement, traditionally won over by the Macronist vote, the socialist and deputy for the city Sandrine Runel (38%) is outpacing Anne Brugnera (31%), the candidate of the presidential camp.

Finally, in the 1st constituency (2nd, 7th, 8th and 9th arrondissements), Anaïs Belouassa Cherifi (LFI) is far ahead (42.40%). She also puts the outgoing deputy of the presidential majority, Thomas Rudigoz, in an unfavorable position, who came second. The latter does not fail to make the connection with Jean-Luc Mélanchon, notes this young candidate (29 years old). But I am not ashamed of my political training and I am even proud of the serious and quantified program that we are proposing. I continue to defend it, against the RN present in our three-way race.

In the more popular eastern border towns, such as Villeurbanne and Vénissieux, the NFP also achieved promising scores, led by the Insoumis, Idir Boumertit (14e constituency, Vénissieux) and Gabriel Amard (6e constituency, Villeurbanne, son-in-law of Jean-Luc Mélenchon). Here in Villeurbanne, the National Rally has not qualified for the second round,comments Mayor Cédric Van Styvendael. Despite the strong media coverage of our city’s security issues, their score is 18.9%, which puts them out of the running right now.

Outgoing MPs well-established

In the 7e constituency (Vaulx-en-Velin, Rillieux-la-Pape, Bron), Abdelkader Lahmar (LFI) also won by a large margin with 46% of the vote. Neighborhoods mobilize against the rise of racism, testifies this economics teacher. But I don’t think that Alexandre Vincendet (ex-Les Républicains outgoing MP, at 27% today) will withdraw since he is in second position.

Same in the 12e constituency (Oullins, Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon): if the environmentalist Lucie Gaillot Durand also manages to place herself in pole position and overtakes the incumbent Cyrille Isaac-Sibille (MoDem), with 30.02% of the votes against 28.97%, the two candidates are still at this stage. They will be opposed to an RN candidate, Clémence Luisier, in a three-way race.

The outgoing Macronist MP Sarah Tanzilli (24.21%), came third in the East of Lyon (13e constituency), decided to support Victor Prandt (LFI, 26.23%), candidate of the New Popular Front, to block the departmental delegate of the RN movement, Tiffany Joncour, who came out on top with 36.25% of the vote. This constituency thus confirms the scores favorable to the extreme right of the last European elections, also noted in Beaujolais (9th constituency), the south (11e) and the northwest (8e) of the department. In the Lyonnais mountains (10e) nothing is decided. The deputy Thomas Gassilloud, under the label of the presidential majority Renaissance, comes first (32.5%) with only 1,022 votes ahead of Cécile Patout of the National Rally (31.2%). Florence Perrin (NFP) has already announced that she is withdrawing to avoid a dangerous three-way race.

Thomas Gassilloud, who is very well established in this area, continues to work the land. I was lucky to finish first against a strong rise of the RN. And I also hear the dull anger, little verbalized here, but which is translated in the ballot boxes: a need for more security and a demand for more social justice.



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