“It wouldn’t make sense not to,” Pedro Pascal’s role in Gladiator 2 will have a link to this character from the first opus

“It wouldn’t make sense not to,” Pedro Pascal’s role in Gladiator 2 will have a link to this character from the first opus
“It wouldn’t make sense not to,” Pedro Pascal’s role in Gladiator 2 will have a link to this character from the first opus

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A few days ago, the site Vanity Fair has unveiled the first official images of the long-awaited Gladiator 2. The film, which is supposed to be released on November 13, 2024 in France, is a sequel to Ridley Scott’s original opus. This one, still directed by the director, features Paul Mescal in the role of Lucius Verus, the heir to the ancient empire. Ridley Scott described the character as a living man “in nature” after being separated from his family for 15 years. The cast also includes Pedro Pascal (Game of Thrones, The Last of Us, …) in the role of Marcus Acacius. His character even has a link with the mythical Maximus Decimus Meridius of Russel Crowe!

A link between Acacius and Maximus?

What movie fan hasn’t followed the story of Maximus Decimus Meridius (Russell Crowe) in Gladiator? The fate of a Roman general seeking vengeance has touched millions of viewers. Now, Pedro Pascal, star of Gladiator 2, says that his character Marcus Acacius will have something in common with Maximus. For the Vanity Fair website, he admits that Acacius is a Roman general who is said to have been trained as a junior officer by Crowe’s character. The latter would not be present in the film, except perhaps via flashbacks. The character of Pedro Pascal will therefore indeed be Maximus’ apprentice!

“This film has an identity that is shaped by its heritage. It wouldn’t make sense for it not to have one. Acacius is a fighter who learned from the best, so that code of honor is of course ingrained in his training and in his existence.”

Pedro Pascal

“The Biggest Stay Biggest”

Despite the fact that Acacius is closely related to the character of Maximus, Pedro Pascal remains modest, and declares that the character of Russel Crowe is (and always will be) mythical. Acacius will be a very different person from Maximusand does not aim to be a copy. He will have different skills from his mentor, the actor assures!

“But ultimately, he’s a different person. And that can’t change who he is. Maximus is still Maximus, and that can’t be replicated. It just makes Acacius capable of different things.”

Pedro Pascal

One thing is for sure, fans are eager to discover the protagonists of this new epic. For our part, we trust Ridley Scott to repeat the feat accomplished with the first title. See you next November in cinemas around the world!



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