How much money did Elie Semoun’s team earn at the end of the episode broadcast this Saturday, June 29?

How much money did Elie Semoun’s team earn at the end of the episode broadcast this Saturday, June 29?
How much money did Elie Semoun’s team earn at the end of the episode broadcast this Saturday, June 29?

You missed the first issue of the 35th season of Fort Boyardbroadcast this Saturday, June 29, 2024 on France 2? Don’t panic! Tele-Leisure reveals the total gain won by the candidates of the day.

A summer without Fort Boyard, it’s unimaginable ! Fortunately, the famous show created in 1990 by Jacques Antoine is back. Indeed, this Saturday June 29, 2024, France 2 kicked off the 35th edition of the cult adventure game, still hosted by Olivier Minne. During this anniversary season called Forbidden cells, Father Fouras will surprise you once again. This year, in each issue, the old man will reopen a jail, hitherto sealed for its dangerousness, in order to protect his precious treasure. During the first episode, the character played by Yann La Gac used the computer room containing a malicious artificial intelligence, Father Four’IA, as well as Pepper, his faithful assistant robot.

Fort Boyard 2024 : which personalities were included in the team led by Élie Semoun this Saturday, June 29?

And this software straight out of the Machiavellian mind of Father Fouras gave a hard time to the team of celebrities who came to steal his Boyards. At its head: the comedian and director Élie Semoun. To foil the traps of the Fort, the captain could count on his merry band composed of Damien Pauwels, the main actor of the film Ducobu passe au vert!actress Léa François revealed in the series More beautiful lifethe doctor and host of the Health Magazine on France 5 Jimmy Mohamed or Aurélie Konaté, ex-candidate of the Star Academy in 2002 today actress who had a big scare. The political journalist of France Télévisions Guillaume Daret and the pastry chef Nina Métayer completed this casting.

Fort Boyard 2024 : how much did the team carried by Élie Semoun win this Saturday, June 29?

For more than two hours of broadcasting, our seven adventurers for a day gave their best to complete all the tests of Father Fouras and his henchmen. Through perseverance and driven by their unwavering motivation, the team managed to reach the treasure room. But to rob the Boyards, the group still had to find the keyword to unlock the system. Using the various clues – “Pole”, “Double”, “Work”, “Offer” and “Young” – collected during their adventure, the word to recognize was “Employment”. In the end, the personalities won the very nice sum of 11,588 euros which they will donate to the Chimpanzee Conservation Center. Congratulations to them!



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