who withdraws, who will be the candidates in the second round?

who withdraws, who will be the candidates in the second round?
who withdraws, who will be the candidates in the second round?

In the Territoire de Belfort, all voters are once again called to the polls on Sunday, July 7, for the second round of the legislative elections. In the two constituencies of the department, a duel will take place between the outgoing deputy and the RN candidate, after the withdrawal of the left. Discover the candidates still present from Belfort to Delle or Valdoie.

Legislative elections, act II. In the Territoire de Belfort, no candidate was elected in the first round, on June 30. The second round will take place on Sunday July 7. Candidates have until 6 p.m., Tuesday July 2, to submit their candidacy, but we already know how the second round will shape up in the department.

On the evening of the first round, it was the RN which came out on top in the two terrifort constituencies, each time ahead of the outgoing MP.

1st constituency of the Territoire de Belfort (Belfort-Delle)

In the 90-1, the second round will see:

  • Caroline Manck – National gathering
  • Ian Boucard – The Republicans (outgoing deputy)

In the first round, the RN candidate won 39.73% of the vote (12,718 votes). A score more than double that of the 2022 legislative elections (the RN won 4,868 votes), which allowed her to come out on top, ahead of the outgoing MP Ian Boucard (Les Républicains).

The latter comes far behind Caroline Manck: he totals 7,679 votes, for 23.99% of the votes. He was even followed by the socialist Marie-Eve Belorgey (New Popular Front), who came 3rd with 7,233 votes (22.59%), also qualified for the second round.

The candidate of the left alliance, however, quickly made the choice to withdraw, even calling on her supporters to vote for Ian Boucard, in order to “block the RN”. There will therefore be no triangular, but a duel.

2nd constituency of the Territoire de Belfort (Belfort-Valdoie)

In the 90-2, the second round will be played between:

  • Guillaume Bigot – National Rally
  • Florian Chauche – New popular front (outgoing MP)

Here too, the same scenario as in the 1st constituency. It was the RN, represented this time by Guillaume Bigot, a Parisian columnist for CNews parachuted into Franche-Comté, who came out on top with 37.86% of the vote (11,888 votes). A score that is also clearly increasing (in 2022, the RN came 2nd with 4,307 votes).

He will face the incumbent, the Insoumis Florian Chauche. The only left-wing deputy from Franche-Comté from 2022 to 2024 came out in 2nd position after this 1st round. He received 8,799 votes, or 28.02% of the votes. The gap between the two candidates is therefore relatively narrow.

Coming in third position, with too few votes to qualify for the 2nd round (5,422 votes, 17.27%) Didier Vallverdu (Les Républicains) did not give voting instructions to these voters.

All the detailed results of the legislative elections

In Burgundy-Franche-Comté

In France, with -

On the website of the Ministry of the Interior



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