Group purchases for cheaper school supplies, a first in Deux-Sèvres

Group purchases for cheaper school supplies, a first in Deux-Sèvres
Group purchases for cheaper school supplies, a first in Deux-Sèvres

Buy together to pay less : this is the initiative of the FCPE (federation of parents of pupils) of Deux-Sèvres with a group purchase for the start of the 2024 school year. “The goal is for parents to save money on school supplies. We all know that with inflation, notebooks and pens have increased enormously in price, explains Sonia Vincendeau, treasurer of FCPE 79. We, We managed to get a 30% price reductionit’s cheaper than in supermarkets.”

Around ten establishments in the system

If the system has already been tested locally in places, the challenge of generalizing it to an entire department is to facilitate the procedures and obtain more attractive prices. “On a 5 high schools and 7 middle schools on the system for this first yearthat’s not bad, welcomes Sonia Vincendeau. That gave us about forty lists to manage!”

Each establishment has its own specificities, whether related to a subject or a teacher. In total, the FCPE des Deux-Sèvres will centralize the purchases of nearly 200 school supplies different: “How’s it going from calculator to notebooksincluding plastic arts materials”lists the treasurer of the FCPE.

Online Store

To make these purchases, parents must go through an online store, on the FCPE websitesubject to being a member. “It costs 15 euros, only 5 after tax deductions, so it pays for itself from the purchase of 20 euros of supplies given the reductions offered”specifies Sonia Vincendeau.

Once the purchases have been made, part of the cargo will arrive at the FCPE office in Niort. It is then end of August, in the 12 schools of Deux-Sèvres who responded favorably to the system, that the rest of the supplies will be delivered, so that each family can collect them before the start of the school year.



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