Assessment and projection among the Mushunets

Assessment and projection among the Mushunets
Assessment and projection among the Mushunets

The USN women’s division took stock of the past season.

The Mushunets gathered around their staff on June 14 at the André-Duprat stadium to take stock of the past season. For Stéphane Barbier, on a sporting level, it is a mixed feeling that predominates. Indeed, the squad was of the quality needed to have a great season. Unfortunately, the group was truly weighed down by numerous injuries throughout the season, significantly impacting cohesion and therefore, through a domino effect, the team’s results.

Indeed, with three days to go, and despite the difficulties, the “yellow and black” were still in the running for qualification. Alas, a defeat conceded in injury time at Layrac got the better of this team’s determination to be able to play the leading roles. The end of the season will be a freewheeling affair. However, the two-point defeat against Biarritz, future champion of Nouvelle-Aquitaine, is further proof that this group had the potential to compete.

Next season the staff will experience some adjustments, notably with the departure of Anaïs Pico, whom the entire team thanks warmly for her involvement, but who will already have a lot to do with the presidency of the rugby school.

Concerning the ambitions, the objectives will be defined at the start of next season, when a definitive assessment can be made on the forces present (it is hoped for 30 to 35 licensees), knowing that the key word will remain above all the pleasure of playing together . For those who would like to join the team (over 18 years old), do not hesitate to contact Stéphane Barbier (06 82 87 18 15 – [email protected]). The resumption of training is scheduled for August 20!

Staff constitution

Cadet staff: Gaelle Barbier – Tiffany Vaidie – Kellya Prevot.

Senior staff: Stéphane Barbier – Gaelle Barbier.

Directors: Sébastien Brotto – Jean-Michel Couillaud – Gérard Pico.



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