“Agenais will once again be a pole of resistance against the RN”

“Agenais will once again be a pole of resistance against the RN”
“Agenais will once again be a pole of resistance against the RN”

” We did it ! » Cries of joy and relief from Michel Lauzzana’s support committee. “That was the objective,” applaud the activists: to reach the second round. With nearly 28% of…

“We did it!” Cries of joy and relief from Michel Lauzzana’s support committee. “That was the goal,” applaud the activists: to reach the second round. With nearly 28% of the vote, “1,000 votes more than in 2022,” a much larger turnout at nearly 71% participation.

The two candidates, RN and Ensemble, had chosen the same rallying point for their evening after the first round. “When I met him, Sébastien Delbosq did not look calm,” laughs the outgoing MP. However, he arrived very late. “I wanted to be sure of the results. »

Pierre Chollet and Jean Dionis surround their candidate and intend to block the RN “which has no vote reserves”.

South West

Because, “the campaign was tough, but I felt more mobilization than in 2022”. So, for this second round, “I really believe in it, we are going to block the RN”. And to mobilize its activists even more. For this he had the support of MoDem Jean Dionis du Séjour, Pierre Chollet, for Horizons, Corinne Griffond and also Alain Lorenzelli, for the Radical Party. “It is by towing, by being present on the ground that we will win”, underline all the supporters. Particularly in small rural communities.

“It’s possible, because I know that people on the left will not want to give full powers to the National Rally,” the outgoing MP still believes. Who sees the 2022 scenario playing out again. “I believe that Agenais can once again be a pole of resistance.”



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