Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Avignon (84000) – 1st round [PUBLIE]

Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Avignon (84000) – 1st round [PUBLIE]
Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Avignon (84000) – 1st round [PUBLIE]

19:53 – The left has progressed since the last legislative elections in Avignon

Will the Nupes, which has already lived, see its voters from that time switch to the new left-wing alliance during the 2024 elections? At the time of the European elections, Raphaël Glucksmann won 14.39% in Avignon. A figure that should increase in the legislative elections, since the revamped coalition can virtually be at 44% this time, by adding together the results of Manon Aubry (LFI), Marie Toussaint (EELV) and Léon Deffontaine (PCF). The bar is high: during the first round of the legislative elections in 2022, in Avignon, the Nupes duo had also gathered 34.41% of the votes in the commune. A performance that should finally be put into perspective with the 43% of left-wing voters in the first round of the presidential election (36.87% for Jean-Luc Mélenchon, 4.41% for Yannick Jadot, 2.18% for Fabien Roussel and 1.49% for Anne Hidalgo).

18:42 – National gathering: what result in the legislative elections in Avignon?

It is difficult to find a clear guideline in all these results. But some clues stand out… If in France as a whole, the polling institutes draw an average evolution of the National Rally at around 15 points more in the 2024 legislative elections compared to its score in the last legislative elections (which would virtually bring Jordan Bardella’s party to 39% in the municipality), we nevertheless note that it only gained 2 points more between the 2019 European elections and those of 2024 on site. The dynamic could therefore be more measured locally.

15:31 – Avignon in the national average for Jordan Bardella at the start of June

The result of this Sunday, June 30, will perhaps repeat the balance established on June 9. 26.67% of the votes fell to Jordan Bardella’s RN at the beginning of June, in the European elections in Avignon, facing Manon Aubry at 22.1% and Raphaël Glucksmann at 14.39%. The nationalist movement thus attracted no less than 6,927 voters from Avignon.

14:32 – A head start for Jean-Luc Mélenchon in Avignon in the first round of the 2022 presidential election

The political side of a city’s inhabitants often emerges most visibly in the choices made during the election of the tenant of the Elysée. Notable performance: the RN had obtained a higher score in the first round in the 2022 legislative elections in the town than Marine Le Pen herself had in the presidential election. The leader of the party had gathered 18.94% in the first round in the city. In order, we still found Jean-Luc Mélenchon in the lead with 36.87%, followed by Emmanuel Macron with 20.42% and Marine Le Pen with 18.94%. The RN candidate had finally fallen behind Emmanuel Macron in the second round (with 37.69% against 62.31%).

12:32 – How did the 2022 legislative elections end in Avignon?

During the last legislative elections in Avignon, the RN came in second position on the podium, 24.71% of voters having chosen their partner, compared to 34.41% for Farid Faryssy (Nupes) in the first round. In the second round, he still failed to win in the city, leaving victory again to the LFI-PS-PC-EELV pair (54.76%). Farid Faryssy therefore retained his lead there.

11:02 – Electoral dynamics in Avignon: a socio-demographic analysis

The demographics and socio-economic situation of Avignon determine the interests and concerns of voters, and therefore their influence on the legislative elections. With a percentage of job seekers of 22.97% and a population density of 1,419 inhabitants per km², issues relating to employment and housing are at the forefront of voters’ concerns. An average net monthly salary of 2070.66 euros/month may be an expression of situations of financial precariousness for certain households. On the other hand, the presence of a foreign population of 14.79% and an immigrant population of 20.94% highlights issues of intercultural cohabitation. The percentage of students, 7.61% in Avignon, highlights the presence of a young and educated population, sensitive to measures relating to education and student mobility.

09:32 – Prospects for participation in the legislative elections in Avignon

During the last elections, the 91,878 inhabitants of this agglomeration revealed their voting habits. On the occasion of the European elections in June 2024, the participation percentage reached 46.5% in the commune of Avignon. The participation rate was 44.13% during the 2019 election. As a reminder, in the agglomeration, participation in the 2022 legislative elections represented 41.26% in the first round. In the second round, 42.18% of voters exercised their right to vote. On the occasion of the first round of the presidential election, among the 55,743 people of voting age in the agglomeration, 69.02% took part in the vote. The participation rate was 64.62% in the second round, which represented 36,040 people.

08:02 – Legislative elections in Avignon: timetables for the 71 polling stations

New legislative elections in Avignon will be organized today, following the unexpected decision of the Head of State concerning the renewal of deputies. The last legislative election in the 1st constituency of Vaucluse dates back to 2022, a few weeks after Emmanuel Macron’s victory over Marine Le Pen. Among the forces present in the 1st constituency of Vaucluse, who will succeed in attracting the voters of the commune? It should be noted that the 71 polling stations in the commune of Avignon are closing at 18 hours. The publication of the results of the first round in Avignon will take place here from 8 p.m.



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