at the RN of Indre, a muffled satisfaction and already a projection on the second round

at the RN of Indre, a muffled satisfaction and already a projection on the second round
at the RN of Indre, a muffled satisfaction and already a projection on the second round

“Yes!”, “Yeah!”, “That’s good!” “That confirms the European elections!” 8 p.m., at the headquarters of the National Rally (RN) of Indre. Breathless in front of the live broadcast of CNews, the half-dozen activists gathered for the unveiling of the first estimates of this first round of the legislative elections exult at the sight of the score of 34% announced for their party. But without outpouring of joy.

Marshmallow Tour

The view of the scores of the other parties weighs down the enthusiasm. 29% for the “sect” of the New Popular Front. First analysis: “The Arabs came out to vote…” The presidential majority is announced in third position: “22% for a shitty president… But how can people still vote for him?” Éric Zemmour is credited with 1%: “He better stop right now… It’s stupid that he went it alone, he has interesting ideas. »

The two RN candidates from Indre are still at the prefecture, awaiting the final results. But early estimates put them both at over 40%. Even if the absolute majority is not reached, “It’s not bad anyway”. Jean-Marc Wunsch’s round of marshmallows to celebrate. But soon, a few clouds came to tarnish the picture. Like the statement by Clément Sapin announcing that he would withdraw in favor of Nicolas Forissier for the second round in the second constituency: “Sal… he’d better throw himself into the Creuse!” ” “Forissier is doing well, I didn’t think he would have so many votes… The Socialists of Poinçonnet, they can completely vote for him…”

This does not prevent some people from projecting themselves onto a future election of Marc Siffert: “I told him that he will be elected for one year, before the next dissolution… He had better occupy the field for one year!” Mylène Wunsch, who finally makes her appearance around 9:30 p.m., says nothing else: “We’re going to have to get back to work! And convince, especially when we see this withdrawal from Nupes in the 2e constituency. There are people, particularly on the left, who have difficulty making ends meet who can find themselves in us. »

Appeal to “real right-wing voters” and… to “left-wing Republicans”

Marc Siffert invites, for his part, “Mr. Forissier’s voters, the real right-wing voters, those who are fed up with security and immigration problems”to vote for him… And, more surprisingly, the voters of Clément Sapin, “all these men of the left, Republicans”has “make a useful vote” : “If I am elected as a deputy, I will be elected in the majority, to defend the people of Indrieux and the French, which will not be the case for Mr. Forissier who will not be in the majority and who will be a deputy for nothing, which he has already been for thirty years.”



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