Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Liévin (62800) – Member of Parliament for Liévin elected

Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Liévin (62800) – Member of Parliament for Liévin elected
Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Liévin (62800) – Member of Parliament for Liévin elected

19:53 – The result of the left-wing coalition in the last legislative elections in Liévin scrutinized

The distribution of left-wing votes must also be looked at closely during these legislative elections, since we do not know the decision of those who voted for Nupes, decisive during the last legislative elections, but which no longer exists. The Popular Front, which is looking for a leader, is moving forward in the fog. The reserve of votes seems important in Liévin. During the first round of the Parliamentary elections in 2022, in Liévin, the Nupes pair had in fact gathered 41.79% of the votes in the municipality. Which part will opt for the New Popular Front, representing France Insoumise, the Socialist Party, the Communist Party, Europe-Ecology and others, and given as very close to the Macronist alliance by pollsters? During the Europeans more recently, Raphaël Glucksmann gleaned 9.77% in Liévin. But we can on the other hand estimate a result of 22% for the left for this first round in the city, the share of votes of the leader Place Publique being to be reassessed with those of the LFI Manon Aubry (9.36%), of Marie Toussaint (2.09%) and finally the communist Léon Deffontaine (2.62%).

18:42 – How is the National Rally doing before the legislative elections in Liévin?

It is difficult to predict what will happen after this avalanche of scores. But a few major directions stand out… The RN should approach 40% in Liévin during the first round of these legislative elections if the trend anticipated by the 2024 European elections applies locally. The nationalist party is even credited with around 30% of the votes in the country, or around fifteen points more than in 2022. A sum to also add to its result in the locality this Sunday, June 30? The extrapolation is hasty, but logical given the progression of the movement in the area. Between the 2019 European elections and the 2024 European elections, the RN has already gained 6 points in the municipality.

15:31 – A 54.61% well above the national average for Bardella in Liévin on June 9

There was another vote very recently whose results are also to be observed with precision. Especially since this shock is the trigger for the election that is coming now. The score of the National Rally list, led by Jordan Bardella in the European elections in June, was indeed at its highest in Liévin, with 54.61%. The RN then overtook Raphaël Glucksmann at 9.77% and Manon Aubry at 9.36%.

14:32 – Marine Le Pen in the lead in Liévin in the first round of the last presidential election

The election of the President of the Republic had given a nice plebiscite to Marine Le Pen in 2022 in the city. The leader of the National Rally obtained 45.61% in the first round, while Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Emmanuel Macron arrived at 19.7% and 18.38% of the votes respectively. Liévin only had a fourth place to offer to Éric Zemmour, with 4.14% of the votes. In the second round, the leader of the RN also crushed Macron with 64.64% against 35.36%.

12:32 – Jérôme Darras (New ecological and social popular union) ahead of his competitors during the last legislative elections in Liévin

The score in favor of the RN will be scrutinized closely for this 2024 legislative election, locally. Two years ago, during the legislative elections in Liévin, the RN finished in second place on the podium, with 36.68% of residents who went to the polling station choosing its partner, compared to 41.79% for Jérôme Darras (LFI-PS-PC-EELV) in the first round. In the next round, he still failed to win in the city, once again leaving first place to the Nupes pair (52.14%). Jérôme Darras therefore won this election on site.

11:02 – How does the demographic composition of Liévin shape the electoral results?

Liévin’s demographics and socio-economic situation help shape the interests and concerns of residents, and therefore their influence on the legislative elections. With a percentage of 39% of residents aged 29 and under, and an unemployment rate of 23.69%, young people and the unemployed constitute crucial demographic segments. An average monthly net salary of €1,950.77 per month may be an expression of local economic difficulties. On the other hand, elements such as the number of single-parent families (21.05%) and the number of people receiving RSA (6.29%) indicate the solidarity and social integration issues that the municipality faces. Data on education in Liévin highlight significant diversity, with varying percentages of diploma holders: 16.46% of residents have only obtained the baccalaureate for example. The significant gap between education levels could have repercussions on the abstention rate.

09:32 – Abstention in the last legislative elections in Liévin: a detailed overview

How did the inhabitants of this agglomeration vote during the last elections? At the beginning of June, during the European elections, the participation rate was 44.63% in the municipality of Liévin. The participation rate was 47.82% in 2019. As a reminder, in the agglomeration, the percentage of participation in the 2022 legislative elections was 40.5% in the first round and only 40.75% in the second round. As a reminder, at the national level, the percentage of participation in the 2022 legislative elections was 47.5% in the first round and only 46.2% in the second round.

08:02 – Until what time can you vote in Liévin (62800)?

The first round of the 2024 legislative elections is being held this Sunday across the country. The purpose of this ballot is to elect the 577 representatives of the Legislative Assembly elected for 5 years. For the record, the 2022 legislative elections followed the presidential election of April 2022, where Emmanuel Macron was re-elected for a second term ahead of Marine Le Pen and Jean-Luc Mélenchon. Among the forces present in the 12th constituency of Pas-de-Calais, who will manage to obtain the most votes in Liévin? The 26 polling stations in the city of Liévin (from Salle Paul Baras to Ecole Paul Bert Emile Littre) are accessible until 6 p.m. to enable citizens to make a decision. The results in Liévin will be online right here from 8 p.m.



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