in the first round, the RN in the lead according to the first results

in the first round, the RN in the lead according to the first results
in the first round, the RN in the lead according to the first results


No instructions either for Stéphanie Hibon-Arthuis

At 8:30 p.m., Stéphanie Hibon-Arthuis, New Energy candidate, from the first constituency, obtained 4.49% of the votes cast. Only 76.24% of the votes had been counted. She will not give any voting instructions for the second round. “I could have gotten along with Guillaume Garot but he is linked to the extremes so it’s no. It’s complicated for me, these are two extremes”she explains.

On her score she analyzes: “The campaign is lightning and the national position of the Republicans gives this result. We have something to rebuild on the right to find our divide. Stop voting by default but by adhesion. »

Stéphanie Hibon-Arthuis, New Energy candidate in the first constituency. | OUEST-FRANCE
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Stéphanie Hibon-Arthuis, New Energy candidate in the first constituency. | OUEST-FRANCE


Paule Veyre de Soras (RN) “delighted with her result”

Paule Veyre de Soras, candidate of the national rally in the first constituency: “I am delighted with my result. I did not imagine such a result.” She presented herself for the first time as head of the list in the legislative elections. In this constituency, a triangular shape is emerging with Guillaume Garot (Union of the Left) and Vincent Saulnier (UDI).

Paule Veyre de Soras, RN candidate in the first constituency of Mayenne. | ​​OUEST-FRANCE
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Paule Veyre de Soras, RN candidate in the first constituency of Mayenne. | WEST FRANCE


No voting instructions for Pierre-Elie Guyon

In the second constituency, Pierre-€lie Guyon (various right-wing candidate), does not wish to give voting instructions for the second round. He also has not indicated who he will vote for.


In Château-Gontier, Géraldine Bannier in the lead

In Château-Gontier, the final results are known. It is Géraldine Bannier, outgoing MP and MoDem candidate, who comes in first with 41.08% of the votes cast, ahead of Jean-Michel Cadenas (RN) with 26.03%, and Grégory Boisseau (Europe-Écologie-Les-Verts ) is in third position with 22.24%.

The abstention rate is 33.42%. 12,964 people were registered on the electoral lists, the participation rate is 66.58% (8,361 votes).


Unusual bulletins in Laval

At polling station number 14, two unusual ballots were found during the counting. One ballot for Gérard Schivardi, presidential candidate for the Workers’ Party in 2007. Another ballot had a rabbit’s head.

An unusual ballot paper found during the counting at polling station number 14 in Laval. | OUEST-FRANCE
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An unusual ballot paper found during the counting at polling station number 14 in Laval. | WEST FRANCE
A ballot for Gérard Shivardi was found at polling station number 14, in Laval. | WEST FRANCE
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A ballot for Gérard Shivardi was found at polling station number 14, in Laval. | OUEST-FRANCE


Pierre-Elie Guyon arrived at the prefecture

Candidates continue to arrive at the prefecture in Laval. Pierre-Elie Guyon, a miscellaneous right candidate in the second constituency, has also arrived.

Pierre-Elie Guyon on the left, here with Alexandre Maillard. | WEST FRANCE
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Pierre-Elie Guyon on the left, here with Alexandre Maillard. | OUEST-FRANCE


Participation and results: the reaction of the mayor of Laval

The final results are known for all Laval offices in the first constituency. Florian Bercault, mayor, greets “initially, the strong participation of Laval citizens, with participation close to that of the 1997 legislative elections. This demonstrates that Laval residents have understood the issues of the election”.

The mayor then greets “the performance of the left-wing candidates, who came out on top in the two constituencies of Laval. And in particular a strong progression from Guillaume Garot obtaining more than 50% of the votes, that is more than 1842 votes compared to 2022”.

Latest observation from the mayor of Laval: “The RN is also dynamic. It goes from 8 to 20% in two years”in the first constituency. “It’s a big breakthrough. I call for the mobilization of all voters for the second round in order to block the far right. »

Florian Bercault, mayor of Laval. | WEST FRANCE
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Florian Bercault, mayor of Laval. | WEST FRANCE


Yannick Favennec is already working for the second round

For the third constituency, Yannick Favennec, Horizons candidate and outgoing MP, chose to spend the evening with friends in Ernée, with his deputy Bruno Lestas, “to work immediately on the second round”.

Bruno Lestas and Yannick Favennec are in Ernée for election night. | WEST FRANCE
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Bruno Lestas and Yannick Favennec are in Ernée for election night. | WEST FRANCE


Second constituency. The RN in the lead, after a partial count

In the second constituency, after a partial count of 75.54% of the municipalities, it is Jean-Michel Cadenas, RN candidate, who is in the lead with 35.26% of the votes cast. Géraldine Bannier, the outgoing MP, is currently in second position with 33.66%.


Who are the candidates for the first constituency?

As a reminder, in the first constituency, there are five competing in this first round of the Legislative elections: Guillaume Garot (PS- New Popular Front), Stéphanie Hibon-Arthuis (New Energy), Fabrice Romier (Workers’ Struggle), Vincent Saulnier (UDI – Together), Paule Veyre de Soras (National Rally).

Legislative elections 2024. Who are the candidates in the first constituency of Mayenne?


First constituency. Guillaume Garot in the lead, closely followed by the RN

In the first constituency, after a partial count in 68 municipalities (out of 101, i.e. a count of 67.33%), Guillaume Garot is currently in the lead with 44.35%, followed by RN candidate Paule Veyre de Soras with 31.73%. If the result holds, it would be a first for the RN to reach the second round.


RN in the lead in Mayenne for the moment

In the prefecture, the first results have just fallen after a count of 74% of the municipalities (i.e. 265 municipalities out of 357): the National Rally is in the lead with 33.37%, followed by Union of the Left with 25.85% and by Horizons with 17.99%. Together (presidential majority) is at 12.12%).


Jean-Michel Cadenas arrived at the prefecture

In Laval, the National Rally candidate for the second constituency, Jean-Michel Cadenas, arrived at the prefecture a little before 8 p.m., as Camille Pineau, our journalist on site, was able to observe.

Paule Veyre de Soras, RN candidate for the first constituency, is also at the prefecture.

Jean-Michel Cadenas and Paule Veyre de Soras, RN candidates in the second and first constituency in Mayenne. | WEST FRANCE
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Jean-Michel Cadenas and Paule Veyre de Soras, RN candidates in the second and first constituency in Mayenne. | WEST FRANCE

8:01 p.m

In Mayenne, three constituencies

The department of Mayenne has three constituencies. The first includes the city of Laval, the second also includes some districts of Laval and the sub-prefecture of Château-Gontier. And the third includes the sub-prefecture of Mayenne.

MAP. 2024 legislative elections: in Mayenne, who are the candidates in your constituency?


Festival and vote: what organization for voters?

In Mayenne, Un singe en été took place this weekend. Festival-goers and volunteers told us how they organized themselves to reconcile festival and voting.

Legislative elections in Mayenne. How did festival-goers and volunteers vote during A Monkey in Summer?


Participation in Laval at 6 p.m. at more than 65%

In Laval, at 6 p.m., participation was 67.28%.

The council chamber begins to fill up: around fifteen people including a few municipal officials.


Without the minibus, Gisèle would not have been able to vote

In Laval, the city has set up a minibus service to allow people with reduced mobility to vote. We followed, among others, Gisèle, in a wheelchair and resident of a nursing home, who took advantage of this service.

2024 Legislative Elections. Gisèle, in a wheelchair: “Without the minibus, I wouldn’t be able to vote” in Laval


The map of the three constituencies

What are the boundaries of the three constituencies of Mayenne? Here is our interactive map -


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