find the score of the candidates in the first round in the four constituencies of the capital of Indre-et-Loire

find the score of the candidates in the first round in the four constituencies of the capital of Indre-et-Loire
find the score of the candidates in the first round in the four constituencies of the capital of Indre-et-Loire

Who came first in the first round of the 2024 early legislative elections in the city of Tours? The answer in this article from 8 p.m.

The Touraine capital, like the rest of the national territory, voted on June 30 for the first round of early legislative elections. Essentially grouped within the 1st constituency, Tours is also represented, for its north-western part, by the 5th constituency.

The 1st constituency brings together most of the city of Tours, with the exception of the canton of Tours northwest. A “circo” associated, for most of the 20th century, with the name and personality of its mayor, Jean Royer, known as “Père-la-modeur” after his crusade against pornography.

After the dissolution of 1997, it was Renaud Donnedieu de Vabres (UMP then UDF) who took over, but the constituency was conquered by the Socialist Party of Jean-Patrick Gilles under the presidencies of Nicolas Sarkozy and François Hollande.

Crowned with “Green wave” of municipal elections and the clear victory of the left during the regional electionsregional councilor Charles Fournier had attracted in 2022 an electorate which had already propelled Emmanuel Denis at the head of the municipal council.

Essentially rural, the 5th constituency also includes the canton of Tours-north-west, delimited by the municipal boundaries of Mettray, Notre-Dame-d’Oé, the avenues Maginot and du Mans, and the commune of Saint-Cyr-sur-Loire.

Firmly anchored on the right from 1993 to 2017 following the changes of names of the conservative party (RPR, UMP then LR), this constituency is dominated by Saint-Cyr-sur-Loire, in the hands of Philippe Briand.

Despite a turbulent first term which saw her excluded from LREM in 2020, Sabine Thillaye was largely re-elected in 2022 against RN candidate Ambre Louisin. In 2024, she will appear before the voters again.



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