the project management consultation will be launched for the Red Cross area

the project management consultation will be launched for the Red Cross area
the project management consultation will be launched for the Red Cross area

On Thursday, June 27, 2024, the Champdeniers municipal council met with the mayor, Alain Capelle, to address a busy agenda before the summer break.

Red Cross area: call for applications launched. As a reminder, an ambitious project is planned to completely rehabilitate this obsolete building. It is planned to install an after-school center on the ground floor over 365 m2 and develop a 300 m floor2 shared between the library and a shared workspace. The estimated cost excluding potential subsidies amounts to €2,411,000 including tax. Elected officials have already made contact with potential funders such as the Department, the Region or even the Caf. Accompanied by the programmer Setim, selected in 2023, the elected officials established a timed schedule for the launch from 1is July, of the external project management consultation. Structured in two phases, call for applications then at the beginning of August, call for tenders. A summary work will be carried out for a presentation to the municipal council in mid-September. The winner will be chosen based on the relevance and accuracy of the aesthetic, technical, financial and functional elements. Elected officials are in favor of launching the consultation.

Implementation of fines. Illegal dumping of waste is increasing. To act effectively against these misdeeds and in line with the Environmental Code, elected officials have decided to implement fines applicable to punish identified offenders and compensate the work undertaken by the municipality to ensure public health. €200 in administrative costs, €100 in human and technical resources costs and, depending on the case, €300 in special waste treatment costs will be applied.

Something new on the school plates. Following the call for tenders for the cold meal delivery service to the school restaurant, the school board presented its analysis report. Tastings took place in addition to the proposed price criterion. The company API Restauration will be working at the start of the school year in September.

Acquisition and sale of equipment. The technical services have just received a used tractor with a loader adapted to the missions to be carried out. The municipal council decides to sell the aging and redundant backhoe loader for the sum of €9,600.

Summer work. At the school, in the coming weeks, the roof of the playground will be completely redone and lighting will be installed under it. In kindergarten, the ceilings damaged by water infiltration will be redone, notably after the restoration of points of attachment for photovoltaic panels and channels on the roof.

Municipal subsidies. For the USCP (football) €1,000 (including €500 for 2023, allocated but not paid), €500 to the Ymévade association (welcome Guadeloupeans in July), €280 to the Les Cousettes de l’Égray association ( sewing classes).

Next municipal council Thursday September 19, 2024.



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