Ehpad Debrou is preparing for the summer heatwave

Ehpad Debrou is preparing for the summer heatwave
Ehpad Debrou is preparing for the summer heatwave

After weeks of rain, the sun and heat have returned with the first days of summer. For the staff of the Debrou nursing home in Joué-lès-Tours, preparation has already begun to face the heat waves and heat waves of this summer.

“We have around 240 residents, who are a vulnerable populationsays Abdelkabire Essalhi, the director of the Debrou nursing home. These are people in great physical or psychological dependence, with different pathologies. The heatwave therefore represents a real risk. »

Two heatwave agents recruited to strengthen the teams

For now, “The prefecture classifies us at level 1, which means that we remain on standby, at the heatwave level. But in our habits, this risk has been integrated and we have been preparing for it since the 1stis June. »

Thus, temperature readings are taken regularly, even in the nine air-conditioned rooms of the residence. “The building, which we opened in 2016, provides us with good external insulation. We also have 60 cm of earth on the green roof, which allows us to optimize cooling in summer and heat in winter.”

Professionals are trained to spot signs of dehydration (change in behavior, severe fatigue, dizziness, nausea, cramps, etc.), “But the nurses are also autonomous with regard to dehydration, since they can set up IVs, and we have three to four salaried doctors present every day.”adds Abdelkabire Essalhi.

No feeling of thirst

The director has also recruited two heatwave agents, who are trained to ensure the hydration of residents. These summer recruits come “as reinforcement, not as replacement” of the usual team, which remains « vigilante ». Concretely, they bring drinks to residents, “who can choose the taste or texture. The important thing is that they are hydrated, since some do not feel thirsty, and we want to avoid false routes. »

These agents then note which resident has drunk or not and at what time, before entering the information into the computer system, so that the medical team is aware in real time of each person’s situation. They thus play a liaison role with the medical and paramedical teams.

Cold meals, ice creams and yogurts

“They are also responsible for checking the temperature in the rooms, or even checking if the shutters are down during the day”adds the director.

If needed, “activities can be modified and moved to one of our air-conditioned rooms, and the menu can also be modified, to switch to a cold meal. The kitchens are also notified and have stocks of ice cream and yogurt. »

Abdelkabire Essalhi finally underlines that “families are also involved. When they come to visit, we tell them to remind their loved ones to remember to hydrate regularly. »



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