Nancy Pelosi questions Joe Biden’s health – Libération

Nancy Pelosi questions Joe Biden’s health – Libération
Nancy Pelosi questions Joe Biden’s health – Libération

After the outgoing president’s disastrous debate with Donald Trump on Thursday, the former Democratic Speaker of the House of Representatives considers doubts about the 81-year-old leader’s fitness to be “legitimate.”

Calls for Joe Biden to step down have been pouring in since his poor performance against Donald Trump on Thursday night. After the editorial board of the New York Timesit is Nancy Pelosi’s turn to doubt the 81-year-old American president’s ability to run for a second term. The Democratic leader, herself 84 years old, assured on Tuesday, July 2, that he was “legitimate” to question the state of health of the current head of state after his catastrophic debate against the billionaire of the Republican Party.

“I think it is legitimate to ask whether this is just an episode or a state.” sustainable, she stressed on MSNBC, while welcoming the «vision» of the democratic leader for the country. “I’m not a doctor. I can’t say what will happen in three or four years, but from my experience, I think he will continue to be a great president of the United States,” added the former Speaker of the House of Representatives, still very influential within her party.

Calls from Democratic elected officials urging the President and his entourage to be transparent about the 81-year-old leader’s form have been increasing in recent hours. On Monday, in an interview broadcast by a local television channel, Democratic Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, for example, insisted that Americans wanted to be “safe” that Joe Biden was “honest about his condition”.

“He must not deliver us to Trump in 2024”

This Tuesday, a first Democratic parliamentarian even called on Biden to withdraw from the race for the White House. “I am hopeful that he will make the difficult and painful decision to step down. I respectfully call on him to do sowrote Texan Lloyd Doggett in a statement sent to American media. President Biden Saved Our Democracy delivering us from Trump in 2020. He must not deliver us to Trump and 2024».

For months, the White House has been brushing aside, sometimes with a certain irritation, any questions about the physical and mental faculties of Joe Biden, whose physical and verbal ease has declined. While until now the party’s heavyweights publicly affirmed their support for him, since last Thursday’s debate, nervousness has been rising among supporters and donors. Some are asking Joe Biden to respond concretely to concerns, by increasing the number of press conferences or direct exchanges with journalists or supporters. According to ABC News, the Democratic president will give his first interview since his debate with Trump on Friday.

On Monday, a reporter asked Joe Biden out of the blue whether he would drop out of the race at the end of a short speech he had just given at the White House about a Supreme Court decision involving Donald Trump. The octogenarian turned on his heel and left the room without answering.



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