Result of the legislative elections in Alençon: the 2024 election live

Result of the legislative elections in Alençon: the 2024 election live
Result of the legislative elections in Alençon: the 2024 election live

17:05 – Alençon in the French average regarding Bardella in the Europeans

Returning to the earthquake of June 9 also seems wise to us when familiarizing ourselves with the ballot for these legislative elections. 26.7% of the votes went to the RN list of Jordan Bardella a few days ago, at the European elections in Alençon, ahead of Raphaël Glucksmann at 17.18% and Valérie Hayer at 17.08%. The RN won with no less than 1,823 inhabitants of Alençon passing through the voting booths.

14:32 – Emmanuel Macron ahead of Le Pen and Mélenchon in Alençon in the first round of the last presidential election

The preference of the inhabitants of a municipality undoubtedly emerges most visibly in the balance established during the election to the presidency of the Republic. It was Emmanuel Macron with 31.08% and Jean-Luc Mélenchon with 23.42% who won the first round of the election of the President of the Republic in Alençon. Marine Le Pen only received 20.3%. In the second round, Emmanuel Macron won with 64.59% ahead of Marine Le Pen (35.41%).

12:32 – What can the trends of the 2022 legislative elections show for Alençon?

The result of the most recent legislative election is a key lesson at the time of the elections that are being played out. The RN got into a mess in Alençon two years ago, during the legislative elections, with 16.69% in the first round, against 32.47% for Chantal Jourdan (New Popular Ecological and Social Union), Alençon voting for the 1st constituency of Orne. In the second round, the RN also failed, again leaving the local first place to the competitors bearing the label New Popular Ecological and Social Union with 46.26% against 53.74% for the winners. Chantal Jourdan therefore won this election on the spot.

11:02 – Local issues in Alençon: demographic overview

Halfway through the legislative elections, Alençon appears as a microcosm of diversity and activities. With its 25,555 inhabitants, this town presents itself as a symbol of openness. The socio-economic variety can be seen in its 1,744 companies, whose activity is supported by a family network of 15,784 tax households. The rate of households owning at least one car (64.0%) shows the importance of mobility and infrastructure issues in voters’ questions. The foreign population of 2,085 people (8.10%) promotes an invaluable cultural openness. With an average monthly net salary of €1,983.53 per month, the town reveals a percentage of unemployment of 20.4%, synonymous with a fragile economic situation. In conclusion, in Alençon, local issues mix with French challenges.

09:32 – Analysis of abstention in previous elections in Alençon

The study of previous electoral events is an opportunity to understand a little better the vote of the inhabitants of this urban area. At the beginning of June, during the European elections, 14,905 voters from Alençon took part in the vote (i.e. 47.04%), compared with a participation rate of 50.14% five years ago. As a reminder, in the agglomeration, participation in the 2022 legislative elections represented 45.09% in the first round. In the second round, 44.2% of citizens exercised their right to vote. During the second round of the presidential election, the participation rate represented 69.32% at the urban level, compared to a participation of 69.46% in the first round, or 10,240 people.

08:02 – Stay informed about the legislative elections in Alençon

The opening hours of the 21 polling stations in Alençon are as follows: from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. continuously. During the legislative elections, the 577 deputies of the Legislative Assembly will be renewed by a two-round majority single-member constituency vote. More specifically, on June 30, 2024, the voters of Alençon will have to decide on the different candidates in their legislative constituency. Two years ago, the election resulted in a heterogeneous parliament, without an absolute majority. Among the three major forces present, which of the majority coalition, the union of the left, the National Rally will be able to capture the most votes in Alençon (61000)? Don’t forget to bring your voter card and an identity document (national identity card, passport, driver’s license, etc.) to be able to vote.



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