“Almost the maximum technical speed of the device”, a speeding driver caught at 264 km/h on the motorway in Nice

“Almost the maximum technical speed of the device”, a speeding driver caught at 264 km/h on the motorway in Nice
“Almost the maximum technical speed of the device”, a speeding driver caught at 264 km/h on the motorway in Nice

The driver, a foreigner, was driving a Lamborghini Urus registered in Switzerland on the A8 motorway on Saturday evening. The car was impounded and the individual paid a fine of 4,500 euros.

This is called spraying the meters.

This Saturday, June 29, a motorist driving a Lamborghini Urus was flashed by the police at 264 km/h on the A8 motorway!

Almost the maximum technical speed of the device“, specify the latter.

The police from the Nice motorway squad flashed the individual at 264 km/h.

© Gendarmerie Squadron 06

The gendarmes from the Nice motorway squad were stationed on the Var plain when the sports car sped off at full speed, displaying a speed of 264 km/h on their speedometer (mobile radar embedded in the gendarmerie vehicle).

They intercepted the individual on board at the Saint-Isidore tollbooth, in Nice (Alpes-Maritimes). According to our information, he is the son of a Qatari personality. He was driving a car registered in Switzerland.

The man did not have a driving licence from a European Union country and was unable to provide an international driving licence. According to the police, he will therefore be prosecuted for driving without a licence.

He immediately paid a pre-judgment deposit of 4,500 euros and the Lamborghini Urus was impounded.”The floor [de Nice] was very firm, it was the prosecutor himself who handled the case“, indicates a police source.

The Lamborghini Urus has been impounded.

© Gendarmerie Squadron 06

This event without unfortunate consequences occurs in a context of intensification of road checks due to the high accident rate observed recently.

In the Alpes-Maritimes, eight people died on the roads in June.



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