2024 LEGISLATIVE ELECTIONS in Deux-Sèvres. Discover the participation rate of the 1st round at 12 p.m.

2024 LEGISLATIVE ELECTIONS in Deux-Sèvres. Discover the participation rate of the 1st round at 12 p.m.
2024 LEGISLATIVE ELECTIONS in Deux-Sèvres. Discover the participation rate of the 1st round at 12 p.m.

After the vote of the Europeans, and the dissolution causing these early legislative elections, the major key to this election rests on the participation of voters or their disinterest in going to the polls. Here is the mid-day participation rate for the Deux-Sèvres department.

At 12 p.m., here is the estimate of participation provided by the Deux-Sèvres prefecture. The second round depends on the participation rate. Since 8 a.m., voters in Deux-Sèvres are called to the polls.Offices close at 6 p.m.

The prefecture’s estimate at 12 p.m. gives a participation rate amounting to 23 %.

In 2022, during the last legislative elections, for the first round at 12 p.m., the participation rate was 20.49%.

For the record, it was 21.03% in June 2017

►Participation at 12 noon in France
Participation is closely scrutinized this Sunday. She reached 25,90 %.

In 2022, here are the participation figures for France. At noon, it was 18.43%, that is to say lower than in the previous election, with 19.24% in 2017 at midday. And to go back further, in 2012, the participation rate was 21.06% at the same time. This figure was only 21.40% in 2002, compared to 31.21% in 2007.

For a candidate to be eligible to stand in the second round, he or she must have obtained in the first round a number of votes at least equal to 12.5% ​​of the number of voters registered in the constituency.

To be elected in the first round, you must have an absolute majority of the votes cast, therefore more than half of the voters. But a number of votes at least equal to a quarter of registered voters is also required.



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