Montauban. Road safety, the prefecture is working twice as hard

Montauban. Road safety, the prefecture is working twice as hard
Montauban. Road safety, the prefecture is working twice as hard

the essential
On Saturday, government services organized the Permis pour Tous day, in particular to deliver prevention messages regarding the behavior to adopt on the road network.

Last Saturday, as part of the Permis pour tous day, which aims to increase knowledge and have a greater impact on the minds of young people, the Tarn-et-Garonne prefecture deployed numerous resources to combine theory with practice at the Capou high school. In the conference room, Prefect Vincent Roberti, accompanied by Public Prosecutor Bruno Sauvage, left no room for ambiguity. “Our department is one of the most accident-prone, in sixth place, we are still significantly above the national average,” insisted the prefect.

In front of a packed audience, including young people, prosecutor Bruno Sauvage shared his experience, with concrete cases to support his argument. “The situation is serious and we must not wait for an accident to become aware of it,” the prosecutor insisted. Recently, the figures are still appalling: “We are facing a resurgence of risky behavior, with a sharp increase in administrative license suspensions for drugs and alcohol.”

Based on the observation that the age group most affected by accidents is young people, the aim of this day was to make this target audience more responsible through interventions and workshops organized by numerous partner services.

Three permits funded

Particularly interested by Bruno Sauvage’s remarks, the volunteers then took part in theoretical workshops during the morning and practical sessions during the afternoon. “We were able to discover driving training, risky behaviors and dangers through the real-world simulation of accidental impacts in a barrel-rolling car,” explained a group of young people.

Throughout this completely free day, accessible by registration, future drivers had their minds turned towards a big quiz, which addressed the essential points of life on our roads. “The three participants who answered the best left with free training in the Highway Code and driving license in a driving school in the department of their choice”, explain the organizers.

The departmental council and the urban community of Greater Montauban took part in the operation, sharing the observation of the urgent need to combat risky behavior by toughening sanctions and strengthening prevention.



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