two autistic people on internship at city services

two autistic people on internship at city services
two autistic people on internship at city services

As part of the validation of their professional project, two autistic interns were recently welcomed into the services of the city of Le Port. Clovis Joseph, 19, is destined for the profession of horticulturist and gives a very positive assessment of his time at the municipal nursery, expressing his choice to “continue studies” in this environment and “take care of plants”, he confides. We publish the post from the city of Le Port below (Photo: Mairie du Port)

“The reception of autistic trainees is part of the proactive disability policy of the city of Le Port and attests to its strong involvement in the field of social and professional inclusion.

Interns (middle school students, high school students, job seekers, etc.) but also apprentices and workers recognized as disabled workers, each internship or recruitment is an opportunity for community agents to get involved in this inclusive approach and to change the way people view disability.

The city’s agents benefited from awareness training on autistic disorders by a specialist educator for the best possible care of Clovis,” explains the city of Le Port.

Since 2022, the municipality has integrated around fifteen trainees with disabilities, 10 apprentices and around thirty people on supported contracts.

The direct employment rate of workers with disabilities is around 6% of the city’s payroll.

News from Reunion, The Port, Disability



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