Sex, Wisdom and Two Burials

Sex, Wisdom and Two Burials
Sex, Wisdom and Two Burials

The 78th Avignon Festival experienced a spectacular opening on Saturday evening, June 29 at the Palais des Papes with a radical exposure of bodies and souls, created by the artist Angélica Liddell. With Damon. Bergman’s funeral, the Spaniard pays homage to the great Swedish filmmaker by staging, like him, his own funeral. And faced with the rise of the far right and galloping nationalism, the show expresses the desire to “ to vomit » the many evils of our time.

From our special correspondent in Avignon,

« Theatre is time. And time is murderous… How do you plan to escape time? “These are some of the hundreds of wise phrases spoken and spat out with rage in Spanish and projected in French translation on the majestic wall of the Palais des Papes, magnificently inhabited by Angélica Liddell. We knew her as a mistress of ceremonies. Yesterday, the Spanish artist also revealed herself as a magician of the sky and the Cour d’honneur. The rain had stopped just before her show, only to start again immediately at the end of this piece celebrating the orgies and mysteries of human madness.

Chez Liddell, « shit comes out »

For two hours, the limitless performer viscerally rebels against the wickedness of men and women in general and the stupidity of nationalists in particular. Why do people complain when she throws artificial blood and the water with which she washed her buttocks against the walls of the Palais des Papes, but not when people are persecuted and killed because of their sex, nationality or origin?

Erection and death

Read more on RFI

Also read:
Boris Charmatz’s “Circles” at the Avignon Festival 2024
The Avignon Festival reacts to crises and wars
Tiago Rodrigues: “The Avignon Festival is more urgent than ever”



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