In Laval, the pride march set off from Boston Square

In Laval, the pride march set off from Boston Square
In Laval, the pride march set off from Boston Square

After a speech on the Boston Square in Laval (Mayenne), the pride march set off in the city center, shortly after 3 p.m. and ended around 4:15 p.m., this Saturday, June 29, 2024. Around 500 participants, according to a police source, responded to Gom’53’s call to send a message: “Living together, let’s be proud of who we are.” Based in Laval, the association supports people on issues of sexual orientation and trans identities.

A loop in the city center

For this new edition of the pride march, the route was as follows: quai Béatrix-de-Gâvre, rue Magenta to the station, avenue Robert-Buron, place Jean-Moulin, rue du Pont-de-Mayenne, Vieux-Pont, rue du Val-de-Mayenne, place du 11-Novembre. Finally, the participants returned to the platforms towards Boston Square.

A few moments before the procession leaves. | OUEST-FRANCE
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A few moments before the departure of the procession. | WEST FRANCE

For the record, in 2022, the first Laval pride march brought together 2,000 people. In 2023, the Pride Laval collective took over from Gom’53 for a gathering limited to Boston Square and without a parade which brought together 250 people.



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