Improvements to come in Carmen-Cloutier-Juneau Park

Improvements to come in Carmen-Cloutier-Juneau Park
Improvements to come in Carmen-Cloutier-Juneau Park

Windsor — This summer, the City of Windsor will be upgrading certain sports facilities used by residents as well as amateur teams and leagues in the area, facilities located in the heart of the city in Carmen-Cloutier-Juneau Park.

These investments were made possible thanks to a grant for structuring projects awarded by the MRC du Val-Saint-François.

The objective is to ensure a quality of service to the population and surrounding municipalities by offering upgraded sports fields which will encourage the holding of local and regional competitions.

“We wish to maintain the accessibility of our sports fields to the entire population of Windsor and to the citizens of surrounding municipalities in order to encourage and enhance the regular practice of physical, sporting and recreational activities. By improving the quality of our sports fields as well as their infrastructure, we want to support our citizens so that they use them to their maximum potential,” we told the City.

Baseball et soccer

As part of this project, the City of Windsor acquired two new soccer goals to ensure that our facilities comply with the standards of this sport on the regional scene.

Protective netting will also be installed along the third-base line on the baseball field, as well as a section of fencing, to protect spectators and skateboard park users.

Improvements to the municipal swimming pool

The municipal swimming pool also requires an upgrade to ensure the safety of users and to facilitate the work of lifeguard teams. The project includes, among other things, the replacement of the springboard and surveillance watchtowers for rescuers as well as the installation of an awning for the sun.



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