Olympic flame, transport strike: trouble ahead for the brevet on Tuesday in the Lille metropolis

Olympic flame, transport strike: trouble ahead for the brevet on Tuesday in the Lille metropolis
Olympic flame, transport strike: trouble ahead for the brevet on Tuesday in the Lille metropolis


Anne-Sophie Hourdeaux

Published on

June 29, 2024 at 2:16 p.m.
; updated June 30, 2024 at 8:51 a.m.

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The written tests for the national brevet diploma will take place on Monday 1is and Tuesday July 2, 2024 throughout France, with more than 50,000 candidates in the Lille Academy. But be careful in the North on Tuesday July 2: not only passing of the Olympic flame in several cities will disrupt traffic and parking, but also the strike announced in Ilevia will limit buses and metro.

This year in France, 858,409 middle school students will take the certificate. For the Lille Academy, 53,388 candidates are registered: 47,354 in the general series and 6,034 in the professional series.

History and science

Tuesday, July 2, there will be the history-geography and EMC (moral and civic education) test at 9 a.m., then the science test at 1:30 p.m. You will have to take precautions to arrive on time!

Because if the patent is a stress factor for young people and their families, this year, we will also have to count on major transport problems in several cities in the North, notably Roubaix, Tourcoing and Lille. At issue are two elements which combine: the passage of the Olympic flame and the call for a strike at Ilevia.

Pedestrian access

Pedestrian access will be guaranteed for the centres closest to the Olympic Flame route. For example, at the Maxence Van der Meersch college in Roubaix, just opposite the Vélodrome which will receive the Olympic flame around 4:45 p.m., and whose street will be blocked (parking prohibited from 6 a.m. and traffic prohibited from 10 a.m. on July 2).

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And at lunchtime?

Given the traffic restrictions, exam centers have planned measures to accommodate candidates during the lunch break.

Many schools have warned their students, but above all it will be necessary to get up early and anticipate.

The Baccalaureate too

BAC candidates who take the oral exam are also concerned. The French oral exam for the Baccalaureate is held from June 24 to July 3 and that of the Grand Orale for final year students from June 27 to July 2. The invitations to the candidates took into account the route of the Olympic Flame for the centers located near the route of the Flame. For example, the Grand Oral is scheduled over 3 days instead of 4 in 25 centers near the Flame route.

On the Ilevia side…

In Roubaix, before knowing that Ilevia was calling for a strike that day, this is what was planned for bus and metro traffic and access to V’Lille;

  • V’Lille (from Monday July 1st to Tuesday July 2nd in the evening): closure of the Alsace, Gare Jean Lebas, Musée Art et Industrie and Alfred Mongy stations.
  • Tramway (Tuesday July 2): stop of relay buses (set up during work on the R and T lines) at the Victor Provo Hospital and Roubaix Eurotéléport and Alfred Mongy stops not served.
  • Roubaix-Tourcoing sector bus (Tuesday, July 2): lines C12 and Z6 will not operate; lines L3, L4, L8, 17, 30, 33, 34, 35, 36, 66,78, C8, CIT5, CITT, 84, 87, 89, Z1, Z4 will be diverted.

We do not yet know the extent of the strike on Tuesday, nor how many buses and metros will run.

As a reminder, the results will be published on the internet and displayed in establishments on Friday July 12, 2024.

Good luck !

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