2024 Legislative Elections – Results. Stuck between the RN and the left, outgoing MP Emmanuelle Ménard in a delicate position

2024 Legislative Elections – Results. Stuck between the RN and the left, outgoing MP Emmanuelle Ménard in a delicate position
2024 Legislative Elections – Results. Stuck between the RN and the left, outgoing MP Emmanuelle Ménard in a delicate position

It is indeed a three-way race that is emerging in the 6th constituency of Hérault, around Béziers. All the candidates qualified for the second round are maintaining their candidacy.

With 41.11% of the vote, Julien Gabarron of the National Rally is in the lead in the 6th constituency of Hérault. A surprise for Emmanuelle Ménard, re-elected in the second round in 2022 with almost 70% of the vote. When the results were announced, the wife of the mayor of Béziers did not hide her disappointment on France 3 Occitanie.

It’s a disappointment for me. The Biterrois chose a political label rather than a territorial anchor, 7 years of hard work.

Emmanuelle Ménard, outgoing MP and candidate for the various right)

Emmanuelle Ménard was facing an RN candidate for the first time. Although a diverse right candidate in 2022, she was supported by Marine Le Pen’s party. Two years later, the situation is completely different.

The Ménard couple distanced themselves from the flame party. But with 27.23% of the votes, Ms. Ménard does not yet admit defeat. “Nothing is lost, I will make the voice of the people of Béziers heard. I am not a deputy who obeys orders from Paris. We will fight in the second round,” confided the outgoing MP to journalists from France 3 Occitanie. First thing this Monday, July 1, 2024, she was already on the ground, meeting voters.

The fight promises to be difficult for Emmanuelle Ménard. Julien Gabarron, departmental secretary of the RN party, leaves with a head start. With 25 605 votes, iHe says he is on his way to power and confirms that his score is a nice surprise.

Béziers is the city of the Biterrois and not the city of Robert Ménard or anyone else. The voters have spoken, it is a very good thing that they can have a choice.

Julien Gabarron, RN candidate

Even with a head start, he remains active on the field.

The other surprise of this election is the surge of left-wing voters. With 21.03% of the votes, Magali Crozier, candidate of the Union of the Left, is also qualified for the second round. In 2022, she was in the second round against Emmanuelle Ménard. Two years later, she gained 2,000 voters.

Magali Crozier announced her intention to remain in accordance with a national directive. An exception, while Jean-Luc Mélenchon, head of LFI, announced, on June 30, 2024, the withdrawal of “all candidates” of the New Popular Front in the cases of triangular races favorable to the RN. This exception is obvious according to the members of the LFI party because “These are far-right candidates who are qualified against Magali Crozier“. Indeed, Emmanuelle Ménard was elected deputy with the support of the National Front in 2017.

We managed to increase the left and to be present. We must be there at all costs to make the voices of the left heard. Our presence in the working-class neighborhoods paid off! We will fight until the end.

Magali Crozier

New Popular Front

In this constituency, participation amounts to 66.97%, while it was only 43.3% in 2022 during the first round of elections. legislative elections.

Written with Daniel De Barros.



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