Bigger and for more people? Towards a complete overhaul of the Rodez Amphitheater

Bigger and for more people? Towards a complete overhaul of the Rodez Amphitheater
Bigger and for more people? Towards a complete overhaul of the Rodez Amphitheater

During a debate on the Ruthenian gymnasiums during the last municipal council, the mayor of Rodez, Christian Teyssèdre, affirmed that the renovation of this infrastructure was still in the pipeline. With the program, an increased capacity, a climbing room and the integration of a gymnasium within it.

This is not the first time that the idea of ​​redesigning the Amphitheater has been mentioned. Far from it. But this time, maybe things could speed up. At the municipal council on Monday, the mayor, Christian Teyssèdre, in any case put this idea back on the table. “We will present the project in September,” he promised. Namely, a large-scale renovation of this emblematic Ruthenian infrastructure, known for hosting indoor sports, handball and basketball in particular, but also for its show evenings.

It is in any case linked to the first of these two aspects that the subject has been invited into the public debate. The councilor was questioned by his opponent and former first deputy Sarah Vidal on the subject of sports facilities. While the René-Blanc bowling alley in Saint-Eloi will soon be destroyed, which will become a university gymnasium, dedicated to students of the new campus, a project piloted by the State. “You had announced that you would build two gymnasiums before 2026 (end of the electoral mandate, Editor’s note), where are we at?” “We are going to build two gymnasiums, in addition to this one that we are financing [Rodez Agglomération] “, answers Christian Teyssèdre. The first, in Gourgan, as part of the merger of the nursery and primary schools into a single building, in the upper part, where the primary school is currently located. And the lower part of the site will make way for a gymnasium, dedicated to schools and sports clubs.

A climbing room and double the capacity?

What about the second? This is where the Amphitheater returns to the heart of the game. “This will be done as part of the complete renovation of the place, presents the man who has been at the head of the City since 2008. There will be a climbing room in addition and we will almost double the reception capacity of the main room.” Please note that currently, the capacity is 1,445 seats. Already in January 2023, the question of renovating the place was raised during a meeting between the mayor and the leaders of different Ruthenian sports clubs. Christian Teyssèdre then mentioned a project costing 7 to 8 million euros. He suggested at that time that the “north side” of the site would be partially destroyed to “expand towards Chemin de l’Auterne”. “There is currently a lack of space and comfort at the Amphitheater. It is no longer up to par with the city’s other facilities. We cannot leave it in this state” he further declared. A project which in any case responds to urgent needs for Ruthenian clubs with many members. To find out more, see you in September.



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