Legislative elections in France: French people speak out in Quebec | French legislative elections 2024

Legislative elections in France: French people speak out in Quebec | French legislative elections 2024
Legislative elections in France: French people speak out in Quebec | French legislative elections 2024

Since Saturday morning, French voters have been going to Collège Stanislas in Quebec City to cast their ballots for the French legislative elections. This week, a quarter of eligible French people have already voted online.

The consul general of France in Quebec, Éric Lamouroux, explains that the French can vote in three ways: in a polling station, by proxy or on the Internet.

We have four polling stations at Stanislas College. This is the only place to be able to vote at the ballot box. Voting [sur Internet] was open from Tuesday to Thursday. And a quarter of registered French people have already voted onlinehe said Saturday morning.

Some French people met at the exit of the polling station explained the importance for them of making this political gesture.

Despite being thousands of kilometers away, we think a lot about France, and we must mobilize for what is happening at the moment. Its very importantsaid a woman.

It is important. I have family there and maybe one day I will go back.said another French woman she met at Collège Stanislas.

It’s important to express our dissatisfaction with things that are happeningfor his part commented a young man who came to vote.

Excitement for this election

Éric Lamouroux maintains that the participation rate reached two years ago, i.e. 24%, has already been exceeded.

So we will have a much larger participation this time., he specifies. The offices are open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

90,000 French people are registered in consulates.

A quote from Éric Lamouroux, consul general of France in Quebec

After his party suffered a serious defeat, Emmanuel Macron announced the dissolution of the National Assembly and called early legislative elections. In France, the French are called to vote on Sunday for the first round. It is because of the time difference that the vote is organized a day earlier in Quebec.

The vote for the National Assembly is an important vote that will determine the continuation or renewal of power in France as in any democracy. It creates an emulation in the electorate that is quite special.explains Éric Lamouroux.

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One of the polling stations installed at Collège Stanislas, in Quebec, where French nationals can vote today, Saturday.

Photo : Radio-Canada / Magalie Masson

Antoine Comont, a doctoral student at the Faculty of Law of Laval University and a contract doctoral student at the Faculty of Law of the University of Bordeaux, believes that the mobilization of French nationals can contribute to changing the course of things following the elections.

constituencies actually have little weight in parliament in the National Assembly, the continued increase in participation during legislative elections shows that the majorities are shrinking”,”text”:”Even if the 11 constituencies actually have little weight in parliament in the National Assembly National Assembly, the continued increase in participation during the legislative elections shows that the majorities are shrinking”}}”>Even though the 11 constituencies actually carry little weight in Parliament, in the National Assembly, the continued increase in participation in legislative elections shows that the majorities are shrinking.he explained, recalling that the French deputy for North America, Roland Lescure, came out on top with 79% of the votes in 2017 and 55% of the votes in 2022.

According to Mr. Comont, even if this participation does not make it possible to change the majorities, it represents a crucial political sign that the government must take into consideration.

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One of the polling stations for French people living outside France is located at Collège Stanislas in Quebec.

Photo : Radio-Canada / Magalie Masson

There are currently 260,000 French people living throughout the province of Quebec.

000 registered at the Quebec consulate and 70000 in Montreal. Minors do not vote. So, collectively, Montreal and Quebec, we are the first French community in North America”,”text”:”Not everyone is registered in our two consulates, in Quebec and Montreal. There are approximately 21,000 registered at the Quebec consulate and 70,000 in Montreal. Minors do not vote. So, collectively, Montreal and Quebec, we are the first French community in North America”}}”>Not all of them are registered in our two consulates, in Quebec and Montreal. There are about 21,000 registered in the consulate in Quebec and 70,000 in Montreal. Minors do not vote. So, collectively, Montreal and Quebec, we are the largest French community in North America.specifies the consul general of France in Quebec, Éric Lamouroux.

Nearly 21,000 French people are registered on the lists in Quebec. Of this number, nearly 16,000 have the right to vote.



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