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Gilles d’Ettore case: the clairvoyant released and removed 850 km from Agde, “she is forbidden her family life”

Gilles d’Ettore case: the clairvoyant released and removed 850 km from Agde, “she is forbidden her family life”
Gilles d’Ettore case: the clairvoyant released and removed 850 km from Agde, “she is forbidden her family life”

After three months of pre-trial detention, Sophia Martinez, 44, accused of having manipulated the mayor of Agde to benefit from advantages, will be housed in Strasbourg. Far from his family.

After Gilles d’Ettore, the resigned mayor of Cap-d’Agde (Hérault) who found freedom on Wednesday, Sophia Martinez, his clairvoyant, left the Nîmes remand center on Friday.

And this, by decision of the judge of liberty and detention (JLD) of Béziers while the two judges seized had requested the extension of her detention. This mother of six children, aged 44, was placed under judicial supervision, still under investigation for “fraud”, “concealment of embezzlement by a person in a position of public authority”, “concealment of corruption” and “undeclared work”.

She is completely banned from practicing her profession as a clairvoyant and must be accommodated in Strasbourg, 850 km from Agde. A decision that his lawyer will contest on appeal, he who had presented alternative accommodation in the region.

“He is forbidden from having a family life”

“She is forbidden from playing her role as a mother and having a family life, her children are here”regrette Me Luc Abratkiewicz.

A medium and healer, she is suspected of having used a stratagem with the mayor of Agde and other interlocutors: by using a hoarse masculine voice on the telephone, she made them believe that she was in contact with a supernatural being of the beyond. Which voice nicknamed “Daddy”, advised them in their lives and also encouraged them to “to take care” of the clairvoyant, including materially…

“Far from white-collar crime and embezzled millions of euros”

Taking advantage of the credulity of the mayor of Agde, the clairvoyant was offered a veranda, a terrace, a jacuzzi and even a sumptuous wedding followed by a honeymoon in Tahiti, while benefiting from the mayor’s driver to take her children to school while several of her relatives, her eldest daughter and her best friend, were hired at the town hall.

“But we are far from white-collar crime, with millions of euros embezzled by people who are left under judicial supervision and never incarcerated.”nuance his lawyer.

“A veranda, a kitchen, a second-hand jacuzzi and trips, yes, it’s too much, but did it justify this pre-trial detention and this punishment?”

Because, according to her defender, the medium lived “a real nightmare” behind the prison walls where “We stuck this image of a malicious clairvoyant on her.”

“Mistaken for a witch” and attacked in prison

With strong media pressure on one side and, on the other, maximum prison pressure. Victim of an attack, the forty-year-old was placed in solitary confinement for a time. Another inmate took it “for a witch” and attacked her physically.

However, two lawyers tell us that their clients, in prison, were able to consult and benefit from the supposed divinatory gifts of the clairvoyant, while she does not have the right to practice. Nonsense for Me Abratkiewicz who claims that these “fake” testimonies are only there to hope to win sentence reductions.

“Exhibited like a fairground beast” by the former mayor

“Above all, she was separated and deprived of her children for more than three months, even though she admitted and assumed everything from the start, in police custody then before the two judges who heard her in June.”

Before the JLD, she explained “to have taken a blow to the head”suddenly losing his entire lifestyle.

Sophia Martinez, her lawyer still recalls, found herself “in a world of glitter and money when she met Gilles d’Ettore, she was covered in gifts, she took advantage of it, she skidded.”

But, she also told the judges, the former mayor “exhibited like a fairground beast”so convinced of his mediumship gifts.

“She found the company of an imaginary friend, “Papa”

We must also go back to her childhood to better understand the winding journey of the ventriloquist clairvoyant. She grew up in Strasbourg and was placed from a very young age: “She was not born under a lucky star, with a mother who had serious psychological problems and a deviant father. She was mistreated and lived in darkness for several years.”rappelle Me Abratkiewicz.

The origin of the voice would be here: “She found the company of an imaginary friend called “Papa,” a companion in misfortune.”

Married to a first, then to a second police officer, friends with a private detective, she developed her gifts praised by some, fanciful for others, until her arrival in Agde where she became friends with Gilles of Ettore, who came to consult her, with the result that we know.



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