here are the 14 departments on orange alert this Sunday

here are the 14 departments on orange alert this Sunday
here are the 14 departments on orange alert this Sunday

Météo-France has placed 14 departments on orange thunderstorm alert this Sunday. Rain, locally stormy, is forecast before fading outside the borders.

Be careful in the northeast. The Ardennes, the Marne, the Aube, the Meuse, the Haute-Marne, the Meurthe-et-Moselle, the Vosges, the Haute-Saône, the Doubs, the Jura, the territory of Belfort, the Haut-Rhin, the Bas-Rhin and Moselle were placed on orange thunderstorm alert by Météo-France this Sunday.


Particular attention should be paid given the geographical extent and intensity of the predicted phenomena.

Indeed, in the Grand-Est, the storms will be particularly virulent, with the possibility of cumulative rain of 50 to 80 mm in a short time, gusts of wind between 100 to 120 km/h occasionally and hailstones which may in places reach or exceed 5cm, in addition to intense electrical activity.

Elsewhere, it will be a return to calm with clouds and clearer sunshine near the Mediterranean. In the afternoon, the risk of storms will persist in Rhône-Alpes and showers will still be possible from the Grand-Est to the Massif Central.

Temperatures will continue to drop across most of the country. It will be between 10 and 15 degrees in the northwest quarter, 14 and 19 degrees elsewhere. In the afternoon, 22 to 25 degrees are expected in most regions, with a maximum of 32 on the Côte d’Azur.



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