BURGUNDY-FRANCHE-COMTÉ: The Region and EDF renew their framework partnership agreement to serve a low-carbon region

With this signature, the Region and EDF are demonstrating their shared desire to continue their cooperation to promote the subject of energy transition, this being one of the priorities of the Region which aims to eventually become a “positive energy region”…

Marie-Guite DUFAY, President of the Burgundy-Franche-Comté Region and Luc REMONT, Chairman and CEO of EDF, renewed their multi-year cooperation in favor of the energy and ecological transition, the development of employment, the economy and innovation in Burgundy-Franche-Comté, in continuity with the
agreement signed in 2018.

Through this signature, the Region and EDF demonstrate their common desire to continue their cooperation to promote the subject of energy and ecological transition among local communities and businesses, the energy transition being one of the priorities of the Region which aims to become ultimately a “positive energy region” which focuses on sobriety, efficiency and renewable energies.

Lasting 3 years, the agreement covers all the fields necessary to achieve carbon neutrality in Burgundy-Franche-Comté in 2050 and is structured around 5 axes:
• Decarbonization of buildings,
• Development of local production of renewable energies,
• Contribution to the industrial dynamism of the region and support for innovations,
• Strengthening industrial and technical training sectors,
• Strengthening regional cooperation on themes of common interest.

Each axis is the subject of monitoring of actions between the Region and EDF.
For Marie-Guite DUFAY, President of the Burgundy-Franche-Comté Region: “The renewal of this partnership between the Region and EDF marks a new stage and should allow us to join forces to guide, convert and adapt our territories to the imperative of ecological planning and transition. It also includes new commitments on training, in order to mutually act on the skills needs to make this shift. »

Luc REMONT, Chairman and CEO of EDF, declared: “The lasting and trusting relationship between EDF and the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Region continues with the renewal of this partnership to accelerate the region’s energy transition by building innovative local solutions and decarbonization through the electrification of uses. The Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Region can count on the 7,000 EDF employees working in the region to support it by providing their recognized expertise in low-carbon electricity production, energy efficiency solutions and industrial decarbonization.”



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