Amara testifies about his successor Bamba BA …

Amara testifies about his successor Bamba BA …
Amara testifies about his successor Bamba BA …

In 2015, I was still coach of Horoya AC in Guinea, when I met a young man on a mission in Conakry. We were at the hotel and during a cordial exchange, he told me the story of Linguère de Saint Louis. It was during this interview that he then informed me that he is the son of one of the elders of the Saint Louis Football Club.

His vision and the development strategies that he put forward in 2015 are today in vogue in Senegal. The proof is that he is a leader in his field. And, he is someone who has always been a member of the steering committee, up to date with the payment of his contributions. Subject to his payments, he never claimed anything.

For the record, this year, during the last four matches, Linguère was faced with enormous financial difficulties. The young man I am talking about received the order from his dad, telling him to help the club. He obeyed him. We told him all of our necessary needs for the last four games. Upon receipt of our manifestation of need, he multiplied it by two! Which relieved us and allowed us to finish the season safely.

As usual, the outgoing President has always had the difficult task of finding and canvassing his successor. This tradition is still very much alive at Linguère de Saint Louis. I therefore approached the founders of the club to inform them of my decision and also to present to them the profile of the successor approached and canvassed.

Profile that they all unanimously approved. I can say here that the selection criteria were, given the development of professional football, to have a young, apolitical and visionary profile with proven experience in business management. As a good Samba Linguère, I had no right to make the Association miss this opportunity. Good luck and lots of success.

Long live the language
Amara Traore



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