For 11 municipalities in Oise, “the state of natural disaster has been recognized”

For 11 municipalities in Oise, “the state of natural disaster has been recognized”
For 11 municipalities in Oise, “the state of natural disaster has been recognized”

Last May, incessant rains led to heavy flooding and mudslides in several municipalities in the department. This recognition of a state of natural disaster from the Ministry of the Interior allows compensation for damage caused by the abnormal intensity of a natural phenomenon.

The municipalities concerned are: Coye-la-Forêt, Maysel, Mello, Sainte-Geneviève, Saint-Maur, Thérines, Muirancourt, Mont-l’Éveque, Saint-Paul, Grandrû and Guiscard. Residents of these municipalities must continue the process to be able to receive compensation. The Oise prefecture reminds that “those affected by the disaster have 30 days from the publication of this decree to make their declaration of loss to their insurance companies.”

Heavy rain, rising water and mud

These municipalities had been exposed to heavy rainfall leading to numerous damages to individuals but also to certain infrastructures.
On May 1 and 2, 2024, the municipalities of Coye-la-Forêt, Maysel, Mello and Sainte-Geneviève were struck by a violent storm, causing flooding and mudslides. Between May 19 and 20, the same result occurred, but this time in the municipalities of Saint-Maur, Thérines and Muirancourt. For the municipalities of Mont-l’Evêque, Saint-Paul, Grandrû and Guiscard, it was once again incessant rain that caused a rapid rise in water levels, between May 23 and 25.

Concerning these latest disasters, the decree considers that “the cumulative precipitation during these events was abnormal compared to a reference period of 10 years”.

In 2007, the state of natural disaster had already been recognized for the commune of Guiscard, following its ground movements during terrible storms.



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