Diplomats from the USA and Norway hail the “effective and strategic” role of the Mohammed VI Foundation for the reintegration of detainees

Diplomats from the USA and Norway hail the “effective and strategic” role of the Mohammed VI Foundation for the reintegration of detainees
Diplomats from the USA and Norway hail the “effective and strategic” role of the Mohammed VI Foundation for the reintegration of detainees

The Political Counselor at the United States Embassy in Rabat, David Fisher, and the Deputy Chief of Mission of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway in Morocco, Sleigh Samanthe Vivatne, expressed their admiration and appreciation for the “effective and strategic” role played by the Mohammed VI Foundation for the Reintegration of Prisoners in the reintegration of residents of penitentiary establishments and child protection centers.

Received this week at the Foundation’s central headquarters in Rabat, Mr. Fisher, who was accompanied by a representative of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in Morocco, and Ms. Vivatne also praised the action of the Mohammed VI Foundation for the reintegration of prisoners in “strengthening preventive security to fight crime and narrow its perimeter, which sets it apart at the regional and international level,” indicates the Foundation in a press release.

The two diplomats also considered their visit as an opportunity to strengthen cooperation and exchange of experiences with the Foundation, stressing their willingness to further coordinate and expand partnerships in this area.

The meeting, chaired by the general coordinator of the services of the Mohammed VI Foundation for the reintegration of prisoners, Abdelouahed Jamali Idrissi, was an opportunity to deepen communication links and to inform the two guests of the new generation of the actions and programs of the Foundation in the field of support and reintegration of prisoners, residents of child protection centers including those convicted under the anti-terrorism law, in accordance with the High Guidelines of King Mohammed VI, said the same source.

After keeping the two guests informed of the innovations and results of the Foundation, they reviewed a series of ambitious programs and services developed by the Foundation for the benefit of target categories across the different centers of Morocco.

The Foundation and its interlocutors also discussed the management of practices and methods relating to the reintegration process of all inmates of penitentiary establishments, as well as their families, whether during the period of execution of the custodial sentence or after release as part of subsequent care, the press release concludes.



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