A 22-year-old man suspected of raping a motorist taken into custody

A 22-year-old man suspected of raping a motorist taken into custody
A 22-year-old man suspected of raping a motorist taken into custody

investigation – The individual is said to be very unfavorably known to the police, particularly for a sexual assault in 2022

A 22-year-old man was due to be brought before the Rennes prosecutor’s office on Saturday for assault and rape of a woman last Thursday. The incident allegedly took place early in the morning, around 5:30 a.m., while the woman was dropping off a relative at Rennes train station, reports Europe 1, which revealed the case.

The individual then allegedly entered his car by force and took the wheel of the vehicle. Stopping at an ATM, he allegedly forced his victim to withdraw 200 euros by threatening to kill her. Then he allegedly went outside Rennes, where he raped her in the back of the vehicle, before releasing her in the city center.

He allegedly tried to attack another woman

A few hours later, still at the wheel of the stolen vehicle, he allegedly attempted to attack another woman, a mother who had just left her children at school. She started screaming, putting the person to flight.

Arrested a few hours later, the suspect “born in 2001 in Mayotte”, “known to the judicial institution”, was placed in police custody, adds West France. The public prosecutor of Rennes, Philippe Astruc, must open a criminal judicial investigation.”

The individual would be known to the police for a sexual assault(…) Read more on 20minutes

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