Football: the AMTF already ready to leave

Football: the AMTF already ready to leave
Football: the AMTF already ready to leave

Relegated to Regional 2, AMTF has just completed its second consecutive season at this level. And, despite a very successful season, ending with 14 wins for only 4 draws and 4 defeats, the Isatis did not manage to achieve their goal of returning to the regional elite. They came up against FC Comtal, a very consistent Aveyronnais but not promoted either, following their defeat in the play-off against Fonsorbes.

A frustrating end to the season during which the Albigeo-Marssacois took advantage to prepare for the next one. A 2024-2025 season that will be very tough, with the large number of relegations from Regional 1, following the overhaul of the groups.

To achieve their recovery objective, the Isatis want to “trust those who have had a good season”, according to coach Jonathan Lacourt. It is for this reason that the entire squad was extended, with the exception of full-back Maho Barry, who is leaving for other skies, after many years at the club.

The Isatis have already started their recruitment. “We have already signed three players in the offensive sector,” rejoices Jonathan Lacourt. “We want to strengthen ourselves in key positions that we have targeted. We are still in discussions with other players, but the squad is almost complete.”

Three new recruits made official

And the names of the three offensive recruits are already known. The AMTF recorded the arrival of Roman Calvo, center forward for Garonne-Gascogne this season and second top scorer in the group behind… Brandon Marianella! A pair that is already making fans of Tarn football salivate.

In the same position, Milton Olela, ex-Saint-Juéry player, joins the residents of the Désiré Gach stadium after a brief stint with Graulhet. Another ex-player from the neighbor joins the squad, winger Alexis Carme, returns to Tarn after a season at Union.

On vacation, the Isatis will return to training on August 2 and will play five friendly matches. They will receive Luc-Primaube (R3), on August 9, Rodez (U19 Nat), on August 14, Blagnac (mix N3-R2), on August 20, and Aussonne (R3), on August 27. They will travel to Castanet (mix N3-R2) on August 23. They will start their season on September 1 in the Coupe de France then the following weekend in the championship.



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