This commune in Val-d’Oise is relaunching its farm

This commune in Val-d’Oise is relaunching its farm
This commune in Val-d’Oise is relaunching its farm


Daniel Chollet

Published on

June 29, 2024 at 5:16 p.m.

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Pigs, chickens, geese, sheep, billy goats and goats, but also rabbits, ponies, donkeys and guinea pigs!

Located northwest of Herblay-sur-Seine, in Val-d’Oise at the entrance to the Courlains district, the Ajir farm is well known to residents of Herblay-sur-Seine and visitors. A country feel in the middle of the city!

The structure, owned by the City, managed until now by the Ajir association, was taken over directly by the City, with the aim of carrying out major renovation work.

Opening in September

“This project is the result of the association’s desire to hand over to the City, and that of the municipal team to breathe new life into this unique living space in the area. Called Cocorico, its opening is scheduled for September,” the town hall emphasizes.

“This was done by mutual agreement and everything is for the best,” confirms the director of the Ajir association, François Gadotti. “We live on subsidies, we make do with what we have, but the municipality has more resources, that’s certain.”

Enclosures brought up to standard

The work which has just been launched first includes the reconstruction of animal enclosures and the creation of “more open” habitats, adapted to different species and compliant with health regulations.

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The Ajir farm located in Courlains, welcomed 9,000 visitors per year before Covid. ©City of Herblay-sur-Seine.

The City is also undertaking the development of a playground, a vegetable garden with fruit trees, and the installation of picnic tables. A path giving access to the enclosures is planned,

“while preserving the peace of the animals”.

“This tarmac path will allow the passage of people with reduced mobility while avoiding slush. This is what we have wanted to do for years,” breathes François Gadotti.

The access road to the farm will finally be made viable, and a car park – on permeable ground – with around thirty spaces will be built.

“Originally, the creation of a municipal educational farm was planned as part of the creation of the games and media library. When discussing the project with the association, I saw the opportunity to capitalize on what already existed to offer the people of Herblay a new living space, close to nature,” says the mayor (LR), Philippe Rouleau.

Ajir refocuses on its missions

Ajir, for Youth Integration Encounters Association, created in 1988 and well known in Herblay for its numerous actions in favor of young people – outings, youth work camps, mini-stays, homework help, leisure reception – is refocusing on its missions. With, at the same time, supporting children in schools to obtain pedestrian and cyclist licenses and many other actions.

This project, which amounts to €660,000, is part of a vast reception and entertainment project, aimed at creating a farm accessible to all, to promote knowledge of the animal world and nature. environment, particularly among the youngest.

The City is also planning to expand the diversity of animals present, with the soon arrival of new chickens and geese. On site, the team, made up of three animal caretakers, including one in charge of general supervision of the farm, will welcome young people during school and after-school hours. They will also be in contact with the general public during free tours of the farm on Wednesdays and weekends.

“In the longer term, educational workshops will be offered and events will highlight local crafts and producers,” specifies the town hall.

According to François Gadotti, this work should make it possible to reunite the public. “Before Covid, the farm welcomed around 9,000 visitors per year. We are currently at 6,000. I think it will skyrocket.”

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