A surprise guest saves Bordeaux, it’s not Gérard Lopez

A surprise guest saves Bordeaux, it’s not Gérard Lopez
A surprise guest saves Bordeaux, it’s not Gérard Lopez

Under threat of administrative demotion, Bordeaux avoided the worst. The DNCG granted a reprieve to the Aquitaine club to allow owner Gérard Lopez to finalize a loan. But beyond the ongoing operation with an American investment fund, the intervention of a conciliator was decisive.

It’s not a green light yet. But the verdict rendered was experienced as a relief in Bordeaux. Following his hearing on Thursday, the Ligue 2 resident avoided administrative demotion despite a clear deficit. We are talking about a hole estimated between 30 and 40 million euros to balance the books. Last year, Gérard Lopez agreed to put his hand in his pocket himself. But this time the president and owner of the Girondins decided to call on a partner.

The DCNG actually granted a reprieve of a few days to the businessman who is currently negotiating with an American investment fund. This company, whose identity has still not been revealed, would be ready to pay 70 to 100 million euros over the next six years. It would above all be a loan and not a real entry into the capital of Bordeaux. In any case, the financial policeman is waiting to see if Gérard Lopez will be able to conclude this operation. But beyond this expected contribution, the intervention of another actor was decisive in the DNCG’s decision.

A conciliator had to intervene

The regional daily Sud Ouest reveals the appearance of a conciliator from the commercial court. The latter was able to provide solid testimony concerning the good progress of the discussions with the American investment fund. Our colleagues specify that this intervener has been working with the FCGB since the conciliation in March between the club and the URSSAF for a late payment of three million euros. He could well become the savior of the Navy and White if Gérard Lopez succeeds in his ends.



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