Art detour launched in Saint-Pierre-Quiberon with new sites and activities

Art detour launched in Saint-Pierre-Quiberon with new sites and activities
Art detour launched in Saint-Pierre-Quiberon with new sites and activities

The 18th edition of Détour d’art was launched on Friday June 28 in Saint-Pierre-Quiberon. The town, with its Notre-Dame de Lotivy chapel, joins the circuit, as does the Charles-de-Blois church in Auray and the Notre-Dame de Kerdro church in Locmariaquer, bringing the number of sites to visit to 25 until September 22.

Détour d’art accompanied 43,000 visitors in 2023 to discover the treasures hidden in chapels, churches and other religious heritage in sixteen partner municipalities in the region. A record! Friday June 28, it was Sophie Lemoulinier, vice-president responsible for culture at Auray Quiberon terre Atlantique (Aqta) who presented the new sites, but also the new discovery circuits, dramatized visits at dusk and workshops heraldry. The elected official also specified: “Building on the success, we are considering a winter version. »

“Highlighting and transmitting local history”

In the meantime, the program is already busy for this edition, the 2nd piloted by Aqta in conjunction with the intercommunal tourist office and in collaboration with municipalities, cultural actors, parish leaders and chapel committees. Team work praised by Maryline Ménaheze, the culture and heritage department manager within Aqta: “The goal is to promote the religious heritage of the territory, with historical, artistic and architectural angles, by making it accessible, and by offering an offer renewed each year.

François Sermier, delegated heritage councillor in Saint-Pierre-Quiberon, expressed his satisfaction, as did Jacques Madec, deputy in charge of heritage in Locmariaquer. Both welcomed this opportunity to “raise public awareness, to highlight and transmit local history”, but also to “promote investments and restorations”.


Art detour, guided tours, storytelling evenings, activities, treasure hunts, from July 8 to September 22.



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