Millau. A promising general assembly for SOM Handball

On Monday, June 24, the SOM Handball general meeting was held at the René Rieux hall, bringing together around forty members. Among those present were the deputy for Sports, Jean-Pierre Mas, as well as Sylvie Uhmann, president of the Aveyron Handball Committee.

Following on from its previous season, SOM Handball concluded a great season with more than 200 members (209). This success is the fruit of the work of everyone: educators, volunteers, employees and members of the board of directors.


The club benefits from exemplary diversity and intergenerationality. New teams were created this year, including a boys’ under-11 team and three girls’ teams (under-11, under-13, under-15), thus contributing to the feminization of the club.

On a sporting level, the club’s eleven teams played between the Territorial and Regional levels. The -15 boys participated in the final stages and the senior girls reached the final of the Aveyron Cup. The progress is notable, particularly for teams composed largely of novices.

During the general assembly, each coach presented a summary of their team’s season, detailing the groups and the different results obtained.

Handfit, a health sport, saw its numbers double in its second year, while maintaining a great deal of conviviality.

The club wanted to thank its members for their commitment, particularly in maintaining the score tables and refereeing. As such, Jules and Cyprien received a gift.

© SOM Handball

An update was given on the club’s communications, which are doing well with more than 750 subscribers on social networks and numerous appearances in local media.

With numerous interventions in the schools of the Community of communes of Millau Grands Causses and several events in Millau (such as the Place des Consuls day in September or the actions linked to the passage of the Olympic flame), the club plays a social and societal role for the entire population. SOM Handball has also collaborated with the UBAKA association, which fights against violence against children, and participated in a fundraiser for the Lucio association.

© SOM Handball

SOM Handball does not forget internal events such as the club evening, the club Christmas, women’s handball and training courses during school holidays.

A new office

All this work and these actions have earned SOM Handball the recognition of local elected officials, with the presentation of the city medal during Madam Mayor’s wishes to the population. The club was also distinguished by the French Handball Federation, receiving second national prize for Handfit (health sport) at the Maison du Handball in Paris.

The financial report and budget forecasts were presented to the audience.

To continue its progress and structuring, SOM Handball has decided to retain its trained or in-training employees, an essential support for the future of the club.

Participants had the opportunity to ask questions to the office on various topics.

At the end of the general meeting, the board having resigned, a new steering committee was formed, including many young people from the club, an excellent indicator of the good health and attractiveness of the club.

This steering committee then elected the new office for the 2024-2025 season: Paul Joy, Luc Pace et Jerome Villeneuve as co-presidents, Delphine Pes as a secretary and Stéphanie Mathevet as treasurer.

The participants shared a friendly drink before resting for the next season.

© SOM Handball


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